Django Media files is not displaying when debug=false on production in Render [duplicate]

The media files contain stuff that the user uploads.The static folder is right next to the media folder.Now on my deployed machine. If I set the DEBUG = False my static files are presented just fine however my media content is never displayed

`Это мой код был debug=false и включал код для статики, но мои медиа файлы не отображаются на хостинговой платформе render .Я хочу отобразить мои медиа файлы на рабочем сервере при debug=False


DEBUG = False


This my static code but i get static files and it is displaying in the production .But the media files are not displaying in the production server is there any way to solve this problem

STATIC_URL = '/static/'





MEDIA_ROOT = os.path.join(BASE_DIR, "media")

Im using Render hosting platform for the deployment of the application

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