Django динамические Formset ошибка в js

введите сюда описание изображения


<div class="container">
    <section class="col-12 section_full">
        <div class="real_add">
            <form action="POST" id="id_html_form" autocomplete="off">
                {% csrf_token %}
                <div class="container">
                    <div class="col-4 tc">
                        <div class="label">
                            <label for="">
                        <input type="date" name="" id="">
                    <div class="col-4 tc">
                        <div class="label">
                            <label for="">
                                <span>Номер счета</span>
                        <input type="text" name="" id="" placeholder="Пример: Счет №001">
                    <div class="col-4 tc">
                        <div class="label">
                            <label for="">
                        <input type="text" name="" id="" placeholder="Компания">
                <div class="bs">


                <template id="id_formset_empty_form">{{ formset.empty_form }}</template>
                {% for form in formset.forms %}
                <div class="container real_add__table">
                    <div class="col-4 tc">
                        <div class="label">
                            <label for="">
                        {{ }}
                        <!--<input type="text" name="" id="" placeholder="Товар">-->
                    <div class="col-4 tc">
                        <div class="label">
                            <label for="">
                        {{ form.quantity }}
                        <!--<input type="number" name="" id="" placeholder="Себестоимость">-->
                    <div class="col-4 tc">
                        <div class="label">
                            <label for="">
                        {{ form.untils }}
                        <!--<input type="number" name="" id="" placeholder="Продажа">-->
                <div class="container real_add__table">
                    <div class="col-6 tc">
                        <div class="label">
                            <label for="">
                        {{ form.cost }}
                        <!--<input type="text" name="" id="" placeholder="Товар">-->
                    <div class="col-6 tc">
                        <div class="label">
                            <label for="">
                        {{ form.sell }}
                        <!--<input type="number" name="" id="" placeholder="Себестоимость">-->

                <div class="bs"></div>

                {% endfor %}
                <div class="container">
                    <div class="col-12 tc real_add__button">
                        <div id="id_formset_add_button" style="text-decoration: underline; cursor: pointer;">Add</div>
                        <!--<button class="btn btn_green mr-10" id="id_formset_add_button">
                            <span>Добавить товар</span>
                            <i data-feather="plus"></i>
                        <button class="btn btn_red " id="id_formset_add_button">
                            <span>Удалить товар</span>
                            <i data-feather="plus"></i>
                <div class="container">
                    <div class="col-12 tc real_add__submit">
                        <!--<a href="#">
                            <button class="btn btn_blue">
                        <input id="id_formset_submit_button" type="submit" value="Submit">
<script type="application/javascript">
    window.addEventListener('load', (event) => {
        // get form template and total number of forms from management form
        const templateForm = document.getElementById('id_formset_empty_form');
        const inputTotalForms = document.querySelector('input[id$="-TOTAL_FORMS"]');
        const inputInitialForms = document.querySelector('input[id$="-INITIAL_FORMS"]');
        // get our container (e.g. <table>, <ul>, or <div>) and "Add" button
        const containerFormSet = document.getElementById('id_formset_container');
        const buttonAdd = document.getElementById('id_formset_add_button');
        const buttonSubmit = document.getElementById('id_formset_submit_button');
        // event handlers
        buttonAdd.onclick = addForm;
        buttonSubmit.onclick = updateNameAttributes;
        // form counters (note: proper form index bookkeeping is necessary
        // because django's formset will create empty forms for any missing
        // indices, and will discard forms with indices >= TOTAL_FORMS, which can
        // lead to funny behavior in some edge cases)
        const initialForms = Number(inputInitialForms.value);
        let extraFormIndices = [];
        let nextFormIndex = initialForms;
        function addForm () {
            // create DocumentFragment from template
            const formFragment = templateForm.content.cloneNode(true);
            // a django form is rendered as_table (default), as_ul, or as_p, so
            // the fragment will contain one or more <tr>, <li>, or <p> elements,
            // respectively.
            for (let element of formFragment.children) {
                // replace the __prefix__ placeholders from the empty form by the
                // actual form index
                element.innerHTML = element.innerHTML.replace('/(?<=\w+-)(__prefix__|\d+)(?=-\w+)/g', nextFormIndex.toString());
                // add a custom attribute to simplify bookkeeping
                element.dataset.formIndex = nextFormIndex.toString();
                // add a delete click handler (if formset can_delete)
            // move the fragment's children onto the DOM
            // (the fragment is empty afterwards)
            // keep track of form indices
        function removeForm (event) {
            // remove all elements with form-index matching that of the delete-input
            const formIndex =;
            for (let element of getFormElements(formIndex)) {
            // remove form index from array
            let indexIndex = extraFormIndices.indexOf(Number(formIndex));
            if (indexIndex > -1) {
                extraFormIndices.splice(indexIndex, 1);
        function setDeleteHandler (containerElement) {
            // modify DELETE checkbox in containerElement, if the checkbox exists
            // (these checboxes are added by formset if can_delete)
            const inputDelete = containerElement.querySelector('input[id$="-DELETE"]');
            if (inputDelete) {
                // duplicate the form index instead of relying on parentElement (more robust)
                inputDelete.dataset.formIndex = containerElement.dataset.formIndex;
                inputDelete.onclick = removeForm;
        function getFormElements(index) {
            // the data-form-index attribute is available as dataset.formIndex
            return containerFormSet.querySelectorAll('[data-form-index="' + index + '"]');
        function updateNameAttributes (event) {
            // make sure the name indices are consecutive and smaller than
            // TOTAL_FORMS (the name attributes end up as dict keys on the server)
            // note we do not need to update the indices in the id attributes etc.
            for (let [consecutiveIndex, formIndex] of extraFormIndices.entries()) {
                for (let formElement of getFormElements(formIndex)){
                    for (let element of formElement.querySelectorAll('input, select')) {
                        if ('name' in element) {
                                (initialForms + consecutiveIndex).toString());
        function updateTotalFormCount (event) {
            // note we could simply do initialForms + extraFormIndices.length
            // to get the total form count, but that does not work if we have
            // validation errors on forms that were added dynamically
            const firstElement = templateForm.content.querySelector('input, select');
            // select the first input or select element, then count how many ids
            // with the same suffix occur in the formset container
            if (firstElement) {
                let suffix ='__prefix__')[1];
                let selector = firstElement.tagName.toLowerCase() + '[id$="' + suffix + '"]';
                let allElementsForId = containerFormSet.querySelectorAll(selector);
                // update total form count
                inputTotalForms.value = allElementsForId.length;
    }, false);

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