Chart.js не отображается на сайте django

Я пытаюсь отобразить графики с помощью chart.js, но они не отображаются... ниже приведен мой код

В файле я подготовил набор запросов для отображения того, сколько людей имеют аллергию на глютен, арахис и так далее...

def patientsView(request):
    gluten_allergy = MedicalRecord.objects.filter(gluten_allergy = True).count()
    # gluten_allergy = int(gluten_allergy)
    print('Number of Gluten Allergy patients Are',gluten_allergy)

    peanut_allergy = MedicalRecord.objects.filter(peanut_allergy = True).count()
    # peanut_allergy = int(peanut_allergy)
    print('Number of Peanut Allergy patients Are',peanut_allergy)

    covid_history = MedicalRecord.objects.filter(covid_history=True).count()
    # covid_history = int(covid_history)
    print('Number of Covid History patients Are',covid_history)

    ebola_history = MedicalRecord.objects.filter(ebola_history=True).count()
    # ebola_history = int(ebola_history)
    print('Number of Ebola History patients Are',ebola_history)

    GROUP_A = MedicalRecord.objects.filter(blood_type='A').count()
    # GERT = MedicalRecord.objects.filter(blood_type='A')
    # GROUP_A = int(GROUP_A)
    print('Number of Male Are',GROUP_A)

    GROUP_B = MedicalRecord.objects.filter(blood_type='B').count()
    # GROUP_B = int(GROUP_B)
    print('Number of patients with Group B Are ' ,GROUP_B)

    GROUP_AB = MedicalRecord.objects.filter(blood_type='AB').count()
    # GROUP_AB = int(GROUP_AB)
    print('Number of patients with Group AB Are', GROUP_AB)

    GROUP_O = MedicalRecord.objects.filter(blood_type='O').count()
    # GROUP_O = int(GROUP_O)
    print('Number of patients with Group O Are', GROUP_O)

    blood_type = ['GROUP_A', 'GROUP_B', 'GROUP_AB', 'GROUP_O']
    blood_type_count = [GROUP_A, GROUP_B, GROUP_AB, GROUP_O]

    condition_list = ['Gluten Allergy', 'Peanut Allergy', 'Covid History', 'Ebola History']
    condition_list_count = [gluten_allergy, peanut_allergy, covid_history, ebola_history]
    context = {'condition_list':condition_list,
    return render(request, 'patients/homechart1F.html', context)

В моем Base.html загружена либрация javascipt для chart.js

...some codes...
<script src=""></script>
...some codes

мои шаблоны можно найти в файле homechart1F.html ниже

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