Django unit testing - authenticated user check in model method
I am using Django 3.2
I am trying to test a model that checks if a user is authenticated. The model code looks something like this:
class Foo(Model):
def do_something(user, **kwargs):
if user.is_authenticated():
do_one_thing(user, **kwargs)
My test code looks something like this:
from model_bakery import baker
from django.contrib.auth import authenticate, get_user_model
User = get_user_model()
class FooModelTest(TestCase):
def setUp(self):
self.user1 = baker.make(User, username='testuser_1', password='testexample1', email='', is_active = True, is_superuser=False)
baker.make(User, username='testuser_2', password='testexample2', email='', is_active = True, is_superuser=True)
self.unauthorised_user = authenticate(username='testuser_2', password='wrongone')
def test_user(self):
self.assertTrue(self.user1.is_validated) # why is this true? - I haven't "logged in" yet?
self.assertFalse(self.unauthorised.is_validated) # Barfs here since authenticate returned a None
So, How am I to mock an unauthenticated user, for testing purposes? - since it appears that the is_authenticated
property is read only?
[[ Update ]]
I've just done a little more research + testing, and it looks like the solution to this would be to use AnnonymousUser
as follows:
from django.contrib.auth.models import AnonymousUser
self.unaunthorised_user = AnonymousUser()
I am waiting to see if someone can confirm this (preferably, with a link to documentation)