Celery inspect shows no task, but on purge returns a int > 0
The problem we are facing is that our redis memory grows with time. When, I inspected the memory usage by redis key celery it returns ~72 MB. Then, I run LLEN celery
from redis-cli and it returns 79945. But, when I try to inspect the tasks from celery itself, it doesn't reveal anything.
django@celeryworker-7b69cddf7c-86jq5:/app$ celery -A config.celery_app inspect scheduled
-> celery@celeryworker-7b69cddf7c-86jq5: OK
- empty -
1 node online.
django@celeryworker-7b69cddf7c-86jq5:/app$ celery -A config.celery_app inspect revoked
-> celery@celeryworker-7b69cddf7c-86jq5: OK
- empty -
1 node online.
django@celeryworker-7b69cddf7c-86jq5:/app$ celery -A config.celery_app inspect reserved
-> celery@celeryworker-7b69cddf7c-86jq5: OK
- empty -
1 node online.
django@celeryworker-7b69cddf7c-86jq5:/app$ celery -A config.celery_app inspect active
-> celery@celeryworker-7b69cddf7c-86jq5: OK
- empty -
1 node online.
When I run celery -A config.celery_app purge
it returns Purged 79945 messages from 1 known task queue.