How to fix delete record after some date in django not working?

I am trying to delete records after expiry_date_time is less than or equal to current date time but it was not working properly.

Also giving this error

RuntimeWarning: DateTimeField Question.date_time received a naive datetime (2022-08-28 10:15:19) while time zone support is active.

API deleting wrong records.

def delete(self, request):
    count = 0
    count, _ = Question.objects.filter(
        .strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')).delete()

          .strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'))

    resp = {'Total question deleted': count}
    return Response(resp)

Have you tried the query Question.objects.filter( .strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')) itself and see whether it also returned an empty set? If it does you need to start with the queryset.

Furthermore, if your expiry_date_time is already of type DateTimeField, you should not parse it to a string with strftime anymore, and maybe that the reason why it does not work :)

If you have the expiry date as a DateTimeField, why are you formatting it in the strftime method, you can simply filter based on the set it to the timezone you want.


That should give your desired query, thereafter you can process as per the your business logic.

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