How to send ImageFieldFile objects fetched from the database by django to the front-end and display them

When using django as a backend, I have an image saved in the database in ImageField format, and in the view layer I get the object via orm, how can I return it to my vue frontend.

I turned the ImageField object into a string to return a JsonResponse, but the front-end only gets the name of the image when it's read

def getContent(request):
return JsonResponse(res, json_dumps_params={"ensure_ascii": False})

How do I request the image to be displayed on the front end?

The image field field will hold the image path.

You should use <img src="image path"> in the frontend

Or convert image to base64.

You have to modify the image path yourself, this is just an example.

with open(f'{static_path}/{row_obj.img}', "rb") as image_file:
    res = {
     "pic": base64.b64encode(
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