How to render the emoji API in Django template

I'm having a hard time trying to figure out how to get the emoji to render in django app as i have tried to follow the example from the emoji API Docs, but somehow it wouldn't render the Emoji after loading all the template tags to my project, I'm wondering if anyone has experience of ever using the emoji library and can help me out with it! I have a comment form that i would like to add up the emoji so that when someone comment they can be able to add an emoji to their comment! which i had installed this emoji library rather than creating one from scratch! but some how am not able to see the emoji's in my form after i loaded the template tags!

{% load emoji_tags %}
{% emoji_load %}
 {% for comment in post.comments.all %}
<form for="id_comment" action="{% url 'feed:post-detail' %}" method="POST">
    {% csrf_token %}
     <div class="bg-gray-100 rounded-full relative dark:bg-gray-800 border-t" for="id_comment" >
         <input placeholder="Add your Comment.." name="comment"  id="id_comment" class="bg-transparent max-h-10 shadow-none px-5">
            <div class="-m-0.5 absolute bottom-0 flex items-center right-3 text-xl">
                <a href='Emoji.setDataUrl('{% url 'emoji:list.json' %}').load()'>
                    <ion-icon name="happy-outline" class="hover:bg-gray-200 p-1.5 rounded-full">{{ comment|emoji_replace }}{</ion-icon>
                        <a href="#">
                            <ion-icon name="image-outline" class="hover:bg-gray-200 p-1.5 rounded-full"></ion-icon>
                            <a href="#">
                                <ion-icon name="link-outline" class="hover:bg-gray-200 p-1.5 rounded-full"></ion-icon>
    <input class="btn btn-outline-success my-3" id="send_btn" type="submit" value="Comment">
{% endfor%}

<script src="{% static 'emoji/js/emoji.js' %}"></script>
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