Strange behavior in Chrome browser [closed]
"Good afternoon! I made a progame to process the Excel forms on my server (for my own needs at work) and everything seems normal in Pycharm and in Mozila Firefox browser, but here is a strange behavior in Chrome browser. The essence of the work is as follows - I upload a form with the data (sent by the counterparty) on the server, there it is processed, after which I can download 3 different forms with this data, but different in structure. The server stores only the last downloaded copy in the directory static/files/formA.xlsx - for the first structure, static/files/formB.xlsx for the second and for the third C respectively. The next downloaded one simply overwrites the previous one. The link to download the file is Download. As I have already told in ide and in a browser Mozilla all - ok, but in Chrome for some reason when I pressed the download that the first downloaded and processed variant of this excel form is downloaded. At the same time on the server I do not see it there is the last downloaded one. Where this very first file comes from! Cleaned the cache (Ctrl+R / Ctrl+F5), Chrome to the default state rolled back. Help me please. Template<<<<>>