Удаление персонализированного класса внутри view.py - Django

here is my view.py. Despite the code is a little bit long, I'd like to remove the class Ibm() from inside the else element to a new file called Ibm_class.py. I tried to do that but I couldn't find any way!

-> wb: file is loaded from a upload

-> wb2, wb3, wb4: files are stored inside the media folder

I tried to copy/paste this class and then import it to the view.py file but the excel_file variable must be inside the view and is still needed inside the Ibm_class.py. Any suggestion, pls?

Thank you!

Используйте инъекцию зависимости в своем классе вместо того, чтобы полагаться на переменные локальной/глобальной области видимости. Здесь вместо прямого использования переменных inputsCombo, inputsDNCombo, outputCombo, faixas и sigma внутри вашего класса, просто передайте их конструктору Ibm в качестве атрибутов класса.


from my_app.ibm import Ibm  # Or wherever you would put that class

def index(request):
        excel_file = request.FILES["excel_file"]
        wb = openpyxl.load_workbook(excel_file, data_only=True)
        inputsCombo = wb['Inputs COMBO']
        inputsDNCombo = wb['Inputs DN COMBO']
        outputCombo = wb['OutPut COMBO']
        faixas = wb['Faixas']

        wb2 = openpyxl.load_workbook('media/sigma.xlsx', data_only=True)
        sigma = wb2['Planilha1']


        for i in range(8, 8 + numeroIbms):
            # Pass the dependencies to the constructor of Ibm class
            ibm = Ibm(i, inputsCombo, inputsDNCombo, outputCombo, faixas, sigma)



class Ibm(object):
    # Accept the injected parameters to Ibm class
    def __init__(self, i, inputsCombo, inputsDNCombo, outputCombo, faixas, sigma):
        self.numeroIbm = inputsCombo[get_column_letter(i) + str(10)].value
        self.anosAlternativa = inputsDNCombo[get_column_letter(i) + str(14)].value
        self.unitariaIBM = arredonda(outputCombo[get_column_letter(i - 1) + str(42)].value)

        # For the arguments that will be used by your other functions e.g. check_faixa, define them as class attributes here
        self.faixas = faixas
        self.sigma = sigma

    def get_volume(self):
        if self.tipoInvestimento != 'Loja':
            for j in range(2, self.sigma.max_row + 1):  # Append "self." to the usage of "sigma" to refer to the class attribute that was set in __init__
                if self.numeroIbm == self.sigma['A' + str(j)].value:
                    self.margem12m = self.sigma['D' + str(j)].value
                    self.volume12m = self.sigma['E' + str(j)].value

    def check_faixa(self):
        if self.tipoInvestimento != 'Loja':
            if self.faixaMargem[0] == 'R':
                for row in range(5, self.faixas.max_row + 1):    # Append "self." to the usage of "faixas" to refer to the class attribute that was set in __init__
                    cidade = self.faixas['C' + str(row)].value
                    if cidade == unidecode.unidecode(self.cidade.upper() + '/' + self.uf.upper()):
                        self.faixaReal = self.faixas['D' + str(row)].value
                if self.faixaReal == '':
                    self.faixaReal = 'n/a'
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