UUID fails unit pytest due to formatting?
I am returning a user's UUID in my serializier and this works fine. However, when writing a unit test to test this return the test fails despite them being called the same way. Below is a simplified version of my code.
My serializers.py:
class UserSerializer(serializers.ModelSerializer):
user_sso = serializers.SerializerMethodField("get_user_sso")
class Meta:
model = get_user_model()
fields = (
def get_user_sso(self, user):
return user.profile.sso_id
My unit test in test_views.py
class TestUserAPIView(BaseAPIViewTest):
factory = factories.UserFactory
def expected_response(self, user):
return {
"user_sso": user.profile.sso_id,
The failed test message (the user generated from a factory is the top one):
E - 'user_sso': UUID('f696d740-bdd5-43a3-8f58-406b7a1e117d')},
E ? ----- -
E + 'user_sso': 'f696d740-bdd5-43a3-8f58-406b7a1e117d'},
How do I make this test pass?
I do not have the word 'UUID(' at the begining of my current output which looks to be the problem but I'm not sure how to remove this without everything making a string? Many thanks.
Please take the outcome of the str(…)
as response, otherwise it will take the UUID itself, so:
class UserSerializer(serializers.ModelSerializer):
user_sso = serializers.SerializerMethodField("get_user_sso")
# …
def get_user_sso(self, user):
return str(user.profile.sso_id)