Django cuts off values from the char fields in Model after save() method?

I've been trying to wrap my head around the following: whenever I submit a form that involves some text input in Django, a character is missing when the transaction is fulfilled. I am not only having the same problem with my own forms, but also those managed by allauth (the email always has the first letter missing when user registers). When I use the debugger to see what values are being passed in through the model, it all looks good. What happense after save() is called? Could it be sqllite causing the issue? Appreciate any pointers!

Here is the code (I included some debug screenshots):

def create_recurring_task(request):
    new_task = RecurringTask.objects.create(name=request.POST['name'],
    tasks = request.user.tasks.filter(database_id=request.POST['database-id']
    return render(request, "tasks/partials/recurring-user-tasks-list.html", {'tasks': tasks})

Result int he debugger

Result in the Database

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