Which tools are more suitable for a web app that analyses data [closed]

I would like to build a hobby web app to learn more about data analysis. The idea is simple, I want to get publically available data via crawling, such as Covid data and then do some traditional data analysis and plot it on the web. I'm thinking, for the backend, pythong and nodejs seem both as a good choice. Now that I don't know any of them. I have done a lot of web development but never used python while I used nodejs a little bit. Since the app is a web app, nodejs seems a more suitable choice and it seems to have way more npm packages than pip. On the other hand, python seems more suitable for data analysis. What do you think is more suitable for the backend? Writing a web app with python seems like a lot of work while analyzing data with JS also seems like a lot of hustle. Is it practical to merge the two? Use nodejs for the backend and only use python to analysis the data brought by nodejs and then pass it back to nodejs to pass it to the frontend?

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