Mapping roles in AzureAD to Django groups

Okay, I can now do SSO in Django via AzureAD by using django-microsoft-auth. But I would like to manage the groups there as well. For that we configured to pass roles in the token. But how do I map those to Django groups? I don't seem to find any example for that.

Found it. For anyone with the same question, you'll have to use the 'MICROSOFT_AUTH_AUTHENTICATE_HOOK' setting.

I made a module in my 'app' called

import jwt
def add_to_group(user, token):
    from django.contrib.auth.models import Group
    id_token = token['id_token']
    token_data = jwt.decode(id_token, options={"verify_signature": False})
    roles = token_data.get('roles', [])
    for r in roles:
        current_group, created = Group.objects.get_or_create(name=r)

in the settings I added the following setting:


Of course things could be neater, but it works for now.

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