Error installing a django project AttrributeError: module 'collections' has no attribute 'Iterator'
i am trying to use this project but i have an error in the process. First of all i am cloning the project using this command:
git clone
after that i am changing directory and go to:
cd Build-a-PC-Configuration-Tool
installing the requirements:
pip install -r requirements.txt
change directory again to go into the for migrations:
cd bapccanada
then migrate:
python make migrations
and here is the error AttributeError: module 'collections' has no attribute 'Iterator' enter image description here
Any ideas to solve the error? Thank you in advance!
The version of Django in that project is not compatible with Python 3.10.
You'll need to either
- use an older version of Python (Django 2.x, as used by that project supports up to Python 3.7)
- or preferably do the work to make the project compatible with a newer version of Django. At the time of writing, Django 4.0 was just released a few days ago. You can then contribute those changes back to the project as a pull request.