How to test GET and POST api which requires user logged in pytest Django?

I have created a fixture to create user in

def test_password():
   return 'strong-test-pass'

def create_user(db, test_password):
    def make_user(**kwargs):
        employee = e_ge_employee.objects.create()
        kwargs['password'] = test_password
        if 'username' not in kwargs:
            kwargs['username'] = str(uuid.uuid4())
        if 'employee' not in kwargs:
            kwargs['employee'] = employee
        return e_ge_user.objects.create(**kwargs)
    return make_user

and then wrote a testcase to check login in

def test_auth_view(client, create_user, test_password):
    user = create_user()
    url = '/accounts/login/'
        username=user.username, password=test_password
    response = client.get(url)
    print("RESPONSE - ",response)
    assert response.status_code == 200

Now I want to write a test case to test GET and POST API and the APIs will only work if the user is authenticated, Can someone please provide me with the solution.....Thanks in Advance

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