How to combine Celery with asyncio to handle HTTP requests asynchronously?
How to recieve async HTTP requests and process the requests asynchronously using celery? Here is what I have tried, is this the right way to combine async with celery so I can receive async HTTP requests and process them asynchronously
The url is:
urlpatterns = [
path('api/example/', example, name='example'),
The is
async def example(request):
res = await process_data(request)
json_data = json.loads(res.content)
return render(request, "index.html", {"task_id": json_data["task_id"],
"task_status": json_data["task_status"]})
async def process_data(request):
result = some_CPU_heavy_function.delay("yes")
return JsonResponse({"task_id":,
"task_status": result.status},
def some_CPU_heavy_function(some_data):
return {"reply": "yes"}
And the command from Docker is
command: gunicorn server.asgi:application --bind -w 17 -k uvicorn.workers.UvicornWorker