Env vars and Docker differences between dev, staging, and prod

Although my specific example involves Django, Docker, and Heroku, I believe these are pretty general testing/QA questions.

I have a dockerized Django app tested in dev with Selenium confirming that my static files are being served correctly from my local folder (EXPECTED_ROOT = '/staticfiles/'). This app is deployed to Heroku and I can see (visually and in the dev tools) that the static files are being pulled in from CloudFront correctly as well. I want to formalize this with the same test I'm using in dev. My first question is related to if/how environment variables are used for tests:

  • Do I add for example EXPECTED_ROOT = 'https://<somehash>.cloudfront.net/' as an env var to Heroku and use it in the Selenium test?

Also, to run this test in staging I would need to install Firefox in my Docker image like I do in dev. Perhaps this is ok in staging, but in prod I believe I should be aiming for the the smallest image possible. So the question is about differences between staging and prod:

  • Do I keep Firefox in my staging image, run the tests, and then send to production a replica of that Dockerfile, but now without firefox?

Any help is appreciated.

The idea of Config Var is to setup configuration variables that differ from environment to environment. Having said that you are in control of the environment and can define what you need.

I personally would use a different approach: create a test that is independent of the environment (for example instead of testing the expected root I would confirm a given DIV ID is found, or some other element).
This would be enough to confirm the test is successful and the functionality works as expected.

The production Dockerfile indeed does not need Selenium and can be different from the one from staging.

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