Djnago JS Reverse - I can't manage to load reverse.js on my page

I have a django up and I am trying to use this potentially very use-full app called "django-js-reverse" to reverse Django Urls on separate javascript files.

I installed the app,

pip install django-js-reverse

I added it to my,

INSTALLED_APPS = [ ... 'django_js_reverse', ... ]

I collected static ...but still I can't manage to load it.

./ collectstatic_js_reverse

I added this line to load the script in my template

<script type="text/javascript" src="{% static 'action/js/project_dashboard.js' %}"></script>

However, when I load my page and check the developer console, I can see that the import of the .js failed. enter image description here

The frustrating thing is that I manage to import other .js files that I made so the overall collectstatic process is working. Ideas? enter image description here

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