How to pass value from django to payment gateway

i'm trying to pass the email gotten the email field in django in other to pass it to the payment gateway. when i click pay, it redirects me to the modal payment gateway for with an error saying An invalid email passed

then when i used inspect, to check the issue, this is what it says

 flwpbf-inline.js:232 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot set properties of undefined (setting 'opacity')
    at Object.message_handlers.modalready (flwpbf-inline.js:232)
    at flwpbf-inline.js:253
message_handlers.modalready @ flwpbf-inline.js:232
(anonymous) @ flwpbf-inline.js:253

the js

  function makePayment() {
    const email = document.getElementById('email').value;
      public_key: "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxX",
      tx_ref: "RX1",
      amount: '{{cart.get_total_price}}',
      currency: "USD",
      country: "NG",
      payment_options: "",
      redirect_url: // specified redirect URL
      meta: {
        consumer_id: 23,
        consumer_mac: "92a3-912ba-1192a",
      customer: {
        email: "{{}}",
        name: "Flutterwave Developers",
      callback: function (data) {
      onclose: function() {
        // close modal

def delivery_address(request):

    session = request.session
    if "purchase" not in request.session:
        messages.success(request, "Please select delivery option")
        return HttpResponseRedirect(request.META["HTTP_REFERER"])

    addresses = Address.objects.filter(customer=request.user).order_by("-default")

    if "address" not in request.session:
        session["address"] = {"address_id": str(addresses[0].id)}
        session["address"]["address_id"] = str(addresses[0].id)
        session.modified = True

    return render(request, "checkout/delivery_address.html", {"addresses": addresses, "address_form": UserAddressForm})
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