Django cannot convert queryset to list to js array
Using Django I have a view which pulls a queryset and attempting to convert to a list as context to the template which then feeds through to javascript array however it's as if the queryset is not converting to a real list as javascript validation is not accepting the list and thus validation not working.
I have also created a normal list rather than from a queryset and works as I expect for my JS validation but everything I have tried in converting the queryset to a list the javascript just will not accept it to the array.
I have also tried to convert the list as json as well from what I read online and still not working.
I have tried my own for loop on the queryset to append to a new list but also done nothing.
Please see the following code:
View (manual python list which works tried and tested)
mylist= ['sid', 'john']
context = {"mylist": mylist}
View (first attempt at converting queryset to list)
test = User.objects.values_list('username', flat=True)
mylist = list(test)
context = {"mylist": mylist}
View (second attempt at converting queryset to list to json)
test = User.objects.values_list('username', flat=True)
mylist= json.dumps(list(test))
context = {"mylist": mylist}
Template(with javascript)
let listNames = {{mylist|safe}};
if ( listNames.includes(x.toLowerCase()) ) {
text = x + ' allready taken.';
What am I doing wrong in converting the queryset to a list for the javascript array to accept in the template?
Help is much appreciated. Thanks
Change you
test = list(User.objects.filter(column_name='Value you want to fetch').values())
context = json.dumps({"mylist":test})
return render(request, "your JS location", context})
Use escapejs
in your Javascript
let listNames = {{mylist|escapejs}};