Is it possible to attach a string variable in return redirect() in django

I have a situation here where I am creating a record from a view

def index(request):
if request.method == "POST":
    order_number = request.POST.get('order_number')
    post_code = request.POST.get('post_code')
    if order_number and post_code:
        n = page1.objects.create(orderNumber=order_number, postCode=post_code)
        id =
        return redirect("page1:waiting")

return render(request,"page1/index.html")

And upon creating the record I am redirecting the user to another page with id.

from django.urls import path
from . import views
app_name = 'page1'
urlpatterns = [
    path('', views.index, name="amounts"),
    path('waiting/<str:pk>', views.waitReply, name="waiting"),

View for Second URL

def waitReply(request,pk):
get_amount = page1.objects.get(id=pk)
context = {'get_amount':get_amount}
return render(request, "page1/payment-confirm.html", context)

But the problem is how do I attach/generate/get the id in index view and send it for the waitReply view

I can get the latest ID through

Kindly help.

Use reverse with args in HttpResponseRender. return HttpResponseRender(reverse('page1:waiting' args=[id]))

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