Different between title and title_icontains in model filter django

what is diffrent between title and title_icontains in django ?

from .model import product

Probably it is title__icontains=… so with two consecutive underscores (__). In that case you make use of the __icontains lookup [Django-doc]. As the documentation says, this is a:

Case-insensitive containment test.

It thus looks for Products where the title contains blah. For example fooblah, blahfoo, of fooblahbar. It does this in a case insensitive manner, so products with FooBlah, BLAHfoo and FooBlAHBAR as title will also be retained.

The first form ...filter(title='value') will return all objects whose title will match exactly the value.

And the second form, correctly written as ...filter(title__icontains) will return all objects whose title contains the value, but any upper/lower case letters will match. The i here means "ignore case".

tite__icontains is to look fo the string, but with case-insensitive.

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