Removing element from for loop html django?

I have a for loop in my html to show the user their favourite games. Like this:

<div class="dropdown-cart-products">
{% if user.is_authenticated %}
    {% for i in wishlist %}
    <div class="product">
        <div class="product-details">
            <h4 class="product-title">
                <a href="{% url 'detail' i.oyunlar.platformurl i.oyunlar.slugyap %}">{{i.oyunlar.title}}

            <span class="cart-product-info">
                <!--    <span class="cart-product-qty">1</span>-->
                    Anlık en ucuz Fiyatı: {{i.oyunlar.en_ucuz}}
        </div><!-- End .product-details -->

        <figure class="product-image-container">
            <a href="{% url 'detail' i.oyunlar.platformurl i.oyunlar.slugyap %}"
                <img src=" {{i.oyunlar.image}}" alt="product">
            <a href="javascript:{document.getElementById('upvote1').submit()}" class="btn-remove" title="Favorilerden Çıkar"><i
            <form id="upvote1" method="POST" action="{% url 'favhome' i.oyunlar.game_id %}">
                    {% csrf_token %}


    </div><!-- End .product -->
    {% endfor %}

I am trying to remove element like this:

form id="upvote1" method="POST" action="{% url 'favhome' i.oyunlar.game_id %}">
                                                  {% csrf_token %}


The problem is that I can only remove first element in this loop cannot remove the second one third one or last one. How can I change my code to remove the selected element?

You have duplicate identifiers for your html elements. They all use "upvote1"

You can used {{ forloop.counter }} to provide an unique enumeration identifier for your elements.

<a href="javascript:{document.getElementById('upvote{{ forloop.counter }}').submit()}" class="btn-remove" title="Favorilerden Çıkar"><i class="icon-retweet"></i></a>
<form id="upvote{{ forloop.counter }}" method="POST" action="{% url 'favhome' i.oyunlar.game_id %}">
     {% csrf_token %}

Note: you can use the models id also if this is unique. e.g. {{ }}

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