Платежный шлюз в Пакистане для проекта электронной коммерции

Я делаю магазин электронной коммерции на Django, я хочу интегрировать оплату, чтобы я мог принимать платежи через кредитные/дебетовые карты от моих клиентов.

Требования: Я должен иметь возможность принимать как местные, так и международные кредитные карты.

Я много искал, то, что я искал, следующее:

  1. Popular services for payments are Stripe and Paypal but unfortunately both are not supporting Pakistan.
  2. Another Popular service I came up with is 2checkout but their terms and conditions are crazy, its hard to get account on their site.
  3. As For local banks, just to give you an idea, HBL bank also provides gateway but its setup fee is 1 hundred thousand and annual fee is also 1 hundred thousand and 3% per transaction. As For other banks some are 40 thousand + 3% per transaction so thats why I can't go with that. For example stripe is 3% per transaction and thats it no annual fee no setup fee.
  4. I also looked at skrill but problem is that my customer should also have skrill account for paying me through skrill which is not practical.
  5. Please Guide me what I do now, Also If I go with local services such as JazzCash OR easypaisa, Can I accept internation credit/debit cards? If you have any other suggestion

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