
Справочник по API

Create Celery app instances used for testing.

celery.contrib.testing.app.DEFAULT_TEST_CONFIG = {'accept_content': {'json'}, 'broker_heartbeat': 0, 'broker_url': 'memory://', 'enable_utc': True, 'result_backend': 'cache+memory://', 'timezone': 'UTC', 'worker_hijack_root_logger': False, 'worker_log_color': False}

Contains the default configuration values for the test app.

celery.contrib.testing.app.TestApp(name=None, config=None, enable_logging=False, set_as_current=False, log=<class 'celery.contrib.testing.app.UnitLogging'>, backend=None, broker=None, **kwargs)[исходный код]

App used for testing.

class celery.contrib.testing.app.Trap[исходный код]

Trap that pretends to be an app but raises an exception instead.

This to protect from code that does not properly pass app instances, then falls back to the current_app.

class celery.contrib.testing.app.UnitLogging(*args, **kwargs)[исходный код]

Sets up logging for the test application.

celery.contrib.testing.app.set_trap(app)[исходный код]

Contextmanager that installs the trap app.

The trap means that anything trying to use the current or default app will raise an exception.

celery.contrib.testing.app.setup_default_app(app, use_trap=False)[исходный код]

Setup default app for testing.

Ensures state is clean after the test returns.

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