Исходный код celery.utils.time

"""Utilities related to dates, times, intervals, and timezones."""
from __future__ import annotations

import numbers
import os
import random
import sys
import time as _time
from calendar import monthrange
from datetime import date, datetime, timedelta
from datetime import timezone as datetime_timezone
from datetime import tzinfo
from types import ModuleType
from typing import Any, Callable

from dateutil import tz as dateutil_tz
from kombu.utils.functional import reprcall
from kombu.utils.objects import cached_property

from .functional import dictfilter
from .text import pluralize

if sys.version_info >= (3, 9):
    from zoneinfo import ZoneInfo
    from backports.zoneinfo import ZoneInfo

__all__ = (
    'LocalTimezone', 'timezone', 'maybe_timedelta',
    'delta_resolution', 'remaining', 'rate', 'weekday',
    'humanize_seconds', 'maybe_iso8601', 'is_naive',
    'make_aware', 'localize', 'to_utc', 'maybe_make_aware',
    'ffwd', 'utcoffset', 'adjust_timestamp',

C_REMDEBUG = os.environ.get('C_REMDEBUG', False)

DAYNAMES = 'sun', 'mon', 'tue', 'wed', 'thu', 'fri', 'sat'
WEEKDAYS = dict(zip(DAYNAMES, range(7)))

    's': lambda n: n,
    'm': lambda n: n / 60.0,
    'h': lambda n: n / 60.0 / 60.0,

    ('day', 60 * 60 * 24.0, lambda n: format(n, '.2f')),
    ('hour', 60 * 60.0, lambda n: format(n, '.2f')),
    ('minute', 60.0, lambda n: format(n, '.2f')),
    ('second', 1.0, lambda n: format(n, '.2f')),

ZERO = timedelta(0)

_local_timezone = None

[документация]class LocalTimezone(tzinfo): """Local time implementation. Provided in _Zone to the app when `enable_utc` is disabled. Otherwise, _Zone provides a UTC ZoneInfo instance as the timezone implementation for the application. Note: Used only when the :setting:`enable_utc` setting is disabled. """ _offset_cache: dict[int, tzinfo] = {} def __init__(self) -> None: # This code is moved in __init__ to execute it as late as possible # See get_default_timezone(). self.STDOFFSET = timedelta(seconds=-_time.timezone) if _time.daylight: self.DSTOFFSET = timedelta(seconds=-_time.altzone) else: self.DSTOFFSET = self.STDOFFSET self.DSTDIFF = self.DSTOFFSET - self.STDOFFSET super().__init__() def __repr__(self) -> str: return f'<LocalTimezone: UTC{int(self.DSTOFFSET.total_seconds() / 3600):+03d}>'
[документация] def utcoffset(self, dt: datetime) -> timedelta: return self.DSTOFFSET if self._isdst(dt) else self.STDOFFSET
[документация] def dst(self, dt: datetime) -> timedelta: return self.DSTDIFF if self._isdst(dt) else ZERO
[документация] def tzname(self, dt: datetime) -> str: return _time.tzname[self._isdst(dt)]
[документация] def fromutc(self, dt: datetime) -> datetime: # The base tzinfo class no longer implements a DST # offset aware .fromutc() in Python 3 (Issue #2306). offset = int(self.utcoffset(dt).seconds / 60.0) try: tz = self._offset_cache[offset] except KeyError: tz = self._offset_cache[offset] = datetime_timezone( timedelta(minutes=offset)) return tz.fromutc(dt.replace(tzinfo=tz))
def _isdst(self, dt: datetime) -> bool: tt = (dt.year, dt.month, dt.day, dt.hour, dt.minute, dt.second, dt.weekday(), 0, 0) stamp = _time.mktime(tt) tt = _time.localtime(stamp) return tt.tm_isdst > 0
class _Zone: """Timezone class that provides the timezone for the application. If `enable_utc` is disabled, LocalTimezone is provided as the timezone provider through local(). Otherwise, this class provides a UTC ZoneInfo instance as the timezone provider for the application. Additionally this class provides a few utility methods for converting datetimes. """ def tz_or_local(self, tzinfo: tzinfo | None = None) -> tzinfo: """Return either our local timezone or the provided timezone.""" # pylint: disable=redefined-outer-name if tzinfo is None: return self.local return self.get_timezone(tzinfo) def to_local(self, dt: datetime, local=None, orig=None): """Converts a datetime to the local timezone.""" if is_naive(dt): dt = make_aware(dt, orig or self.utc) return localize(dt, self.tz_or_local(local)) def to_system(self, dt: datetime) -> datetime: """Converts a datetime to the system timezone.""" # tz=None is a special case since Python 3.3, and will # convert to the current local timezone (Issue #2306). return dt.astimezone(tz=None) def to_local_fallback(self, dt: datetime) -> datetime: """Converts a datetime to the local timezone, or the system timezone.""" if is_naive(dt): return make_aware(dt, self.local) return localize(dt, self.local) def get_timezone(self, zone: str | tzinfo) -> tzinfo: """Returns ZoneInfo timezone if the provided zone is a string, otherwise return the zone.""" if isinstance(zone, str): return ZoneInfo(zone) return zone @cached_property def local(self) -> LocalTimezone: """Return LocalTimezone instance for the application.""" return LocalTimezone() @cached_property def utc(self) -> tzinfo: """Return UTC timezone created with ZoneInfo.""" return self.get_timezone('UTC') timezone = _Zone()
[документация]def maybe_timedelta(delta: int) -> timedelta: """Convert integer to timedelta, if argument is an integer.""" if isinstance(delta, numbers.Real): return timedelta(seconds=delta) return delta
[документация]def delta_resolution(dt: datetime, delta: timedelta) -> datetime: """Round a :class:`~datetime.datetime` to the resolution of timedelta. If the :class:`~datetime.timedelta` is in days, the :class:`~datetime.datetime` will be rounded to the nearest days, if the :class:`~datetime.timedelta` is in hours the :class:`~datetime.datetime` will be rounded to the nearest hour, and so on until seconds, which will just return the original :class:`~datetime.datetime`. """ delta = max(delta.total_seconds(), 0) resolutions = ((3, lambda x: x / 86400), (4, lambda x: x / 3600), (5, lambda x: x / 60)) args = dt.year, dt.month, dt.day, dt.hour, dt.minute, dt.second for res, predicate in resolutions: if predicate(delta) >= 1.0: return datetime(*args[:res], tzinfo=dt.tzinfo) return dt
[документация]def remaining( start: datetime, ends_in: timedelta, now: Callable | None = None, relative: bool = False) -> timedelta: """Calculate the remaining time for a start date and a timedelta. For example, "how many seconds left for 30 seconds after start?" Arguments: start (~datetime.datetime): Starting date. ends_in (~datetime.timedelta): The end delta. relative (bool): If enabled the end time will be calculated using :func:`delta_resolution` (i.e., rounded to the resolution of `ends_in`). now (Callable): Function returning the current time and date. Defaults to :func:`datetime.utcnow`. Returns: ~datetime.timedelta: Remaining time. """ now = now or datetime.utcnow() if str( start.tzinfo) == str( now.tzinfo) and now.utcoffset() != start.utcoffset(): # DST started/ended start = start.replace(tzinfo=now.tzinfo) end_date = start + ends_in if relative: end_date = delta_resolution(end_date, ends_in).replace(microsecond=0) ret = end_date - now if C_REMDEBUG: # pragma: no cover print('rem: NOW:{!r} START:{!r} ENDS_IN:{!r} END_DATE:{} REM:{}'.format( now, start, ends_in, end_date, ret)) return ret
[документация]def rate(r: str) -> float: """Convert rate string (`"100/m"`, `"2/h"` or `"0.5/s"`) to seconds.""" if r: if isinstance(r, str): ops, _, modifier = r.partition('/') return RATE_MODIFIER_MAP[modifier or 's'](float(ops)) or 0 return r or 0 return 0
[документация]def weekday(name: str) -> int: """Return the position of a weekday: 0 - 7, where 0 is Sunday. Example: >>> weekday('sunday'), weekday('sun'), weekday('mon') (0, 0, 1) """ abbreviation = name[0:3].lower() try: return WEEKDAYS[abbreviation] except KeyError: # Show original day name in exception, instead of abbr. raise KeyError(name)
[документация]def humanize_seconds( secs: int, prefix: str = '', sep: str = '', now: str = 'now', microseconds: bool = False) -> str: """Show seconds in human form. For example, 60 becomes "1 minute", and 7200 becomes "2 hours". Arguments: prefix (str): can be used to add a preposition to the output (e.g., 'in' will give 'in 1 second', but add nothing to 'now'). now (str): Literal 'now'. microseconds (bool): Include microseconds. """ secs = float(format(float(secs), '.2f')) for unit, divider, formatter in TIME_UNITS: if secs >= divider: w = secs / float(divider) return '{}{}{} {}'.format(prefix, sep, formatter(w), pluralize(w, unit)) if microseconds and secs > 0.0: return '{prefix}{sep}{0:.2f} seconds'.format( secs, sep=sep, prefix=prefix) return now
[документация]def maybe_iso8601(dt: datetime | str | None) -> None | datetime: """Either ``datetime | str -> datetime`` or ``None -> None``.""" if not dt: return if isinstance(dt, datetime): return dt return datetime.fromisoformat(dt)
[документация]def is_naive(dt: datetime) -> bool: """Return True if :class:`~datetime.datetime` is naive, meaning it doesn't have timezone info set.""" return dt.tzinfo is None or dt.tzinfo.utcoffset(dt) is None
def _can_detect_ambiguous(tz: tzinfo) -> bool: """Helper function to determine if a timezone can detect ambiguous times using dateutil.""" return isinstance(tz, ZoneInfo) or hasattr(tz, "is_ambiguous") def _is_ambigious(dt: datetime, tz: tzinfo) -> bool: """Helper function to determine if a timezone is ambiguous using python's dateutil module. Returns False if the timezone cannot detect ambiguity, or if there is no ambiguity, otherwise True. In order to detect ambiguous datetimes, the timezone must be built using ZoneInfo, or have an is_ambiguous method. Previously, pytz timezones would throw an AmbiguousTimeError if the localized dt was ambiguous, but now we need to specifically check for ambiguity with dateutil, as pytz is deprecated. """ return _can_detect_ambiguous(tz) and dateutil_tz.datetime_ambiguous(dt)
[документация]def make_aware(dt: datetime, tz: tzinfo) -> datetime: """Set timezone for a :class:`~datetime.datetime` object.""" dt = dt.replace(tzinfo=tz) if _is_ambigious(dt, tz): dt = min(dt.replace(fold=0), dt.replace(fold=1)) return dt
[документация]def localize(dt: datetime, tz: tzinfo) -> datetime: """Convert aware :class:`~datetime.datetime` to another timezone. Using a ZoneInfo timezone will give the most flexibility in terms of ambiguous DST handling. """ if is_naive(dt): # Ensure timezone aware datetime dt = make_aware(dt, tz) if dt.tzinfo == ZoneInfo("UTC"): dt = dt.astimezone(tz) # Always safe to call astimezone on utc zones return dt
[документация]def to_utc(dt: datetime) -> datetime: """Convert naive :class:`~datetime.datetime` to UTC.""" return make_aware(dt, timezone.utc)
[документация]def maybe_make_aware(dt: datetime, tz: tzinfo | None = None, naive_as_utc: bool = True) -> datetime: """Convert dt to aware datetime, do nothing if dt is already aware.""" if is_naive(dt): if naive_as_utc: dt = to_utc(dt) return localize( dt, timezone.utc if tz is None else timezone.tz_or_local(tz), ) return dt
[документация]class ffwd: """Version of ``dateutil.relativedelta`` that only supports addition.""" def __init__(self, year=None, month=None, weeks=0, weekday=None, day=None, hour=None, minute=None, second=None, microsecond=None, **kwargs: Any): # pylint: disable=redefined-outer-name # weekday is also a function in outer scope. self.year = year self.month = month self.weeks = weeks self.weekday = weekday self.day = day self.hour = hour self.minute = minute self.second = second self.microsecond = microsecond self.days = weeks * 7 self._has_time = self.hour is not None or self.minute is not None def __repr__(self) -> str: return reprcall('ffwd', (), self._fields(weeks=self.weeks, weekday=self.weekday)) def __radd__(self, other: Any) -> timedelta: if not isinstance(other, date): return NotImplemented year = self.year or other.year month = self.month or other.month day = min(monthrange(year, month)[1], self.day or other.day) ret = other.replace(**dict(dictfilter(self._fields()), year=year, month=month, day=day)) if self.weekday is not None: ret += timedelta(days=(7 - ret.weekday() + self.weekday) % 7) return ret + timedelta(days=self.days) def _fields(self, **extra: Any) -> dict[str, Any]: return dictfilter({ 'year': self.year, 'month': self.month, 'day': self.day, 'hour': self.hour, 'minute': self.minute, 'second': self.second, 'microsecond': self.microsecond, }, **extra)
[документация]def utcoffset( time: ModuleType = _time, localtime: Callable[..., _time.struct_time] = _time.localtime) -> float: """Return the current offset to UTC in hours.""" if localtime().tm_isdst: return time.altzone // 3600 return time.timezone // 3600
[документация]def adjust_timestamp(ts: float, offset: int, here: Callable[..., float] = utcoffset) -> float: """Adjust timestamp based on provided utcoffset.""" return ts - (offset - here()) * 3600
[документация]def get_exponential_backoff_interval( factor: int, retries: int, maximum: int, full_jitter: bool = False ) -> int: """Calculate the exponential backoff wait time.""" # Will be zero if factor equals 0 countdown = min(maximum, factor * (2 ** retries)) # Full jitter according to # https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/architecture/exponential-backoff-and-jitter/ if full_jitter: countdown = random.randrange(countdown + 1) # Adjust according to maximum wait time and account for negative values. return max(0, countdown)
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