Исходный код celery.contrib.testing.mocks

"""Useful mocks for unit testing."""
import numbers
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from typing import Any, Mapping, Sequence  # noqa
from unittest.mock import Mock

from celery import Celery  # noqa
from celery.canvas import Signature  # noqa

[документация]def TaskMessage( name, # type: str id=None, # type: str args=(), # type: Sequence kwargs=None, # type: Mapping callbacks=None, # type: Sequence[Signature] errbacks=None, # type: Sequence[Signature] chain=None, # type: Sequence[Signature] shadow=None, # type: str utc=None, # type: bool **options # type: Any ): # type: (...) -> Any """Create task message in protocol 2 format.""" kwargs = {} if not kwargs else kwargs from kombu.serialization import dumps from celery import uuid id = id or uuid() message = Mock(name=f'TaskMessage-{id}') message.headers = { 'id': id, 'task': name, 'shadow': shadow, } embed = {'callbacks': callbacks, 'errbacks': errbacks, 'chain': chain} message.headers.update(options) message.content_type, message.content_encoding, message.body = dumps( (args, kwargs, embed), serializer='json', ) message.payload = (args, kwargs, embed) return message
[документация]def TaskMessage1( name, # type: str id=None, # type: str args=(), # type: Sequence kwargs=None, # type: Mapping callbacks=None, # type: Sequence[Signature] errbacks=None, # type: Sequence[Signature] chain=None, # type: Sequence[Signature] **options # type: Any ): # type: (...) -> Any """Create task message in protocol 1 format.""" kwargs = {} if not kwargs else kwargs from kombu.serialization import dumps from celery import uuid id = id or uuid() message = Mock(name=f'TaskMessage-{id}') message.headers = {} message.payload = { 'task': name, 'id': id, 'args': args, 'kwargs': kwargs, 'callbacks': callbacks, 'errbacks': errbacks, } message.payload.update(options) message.content_type, message.content_encoding, message.body = dumps( message.payload, ) return message
[документация]def task_message_from_sig(app, sig, utc=True, TaskMessage=TaskMessage): # type: (Celery, Signature, bool, Any) -> Any """Create task message from :class:`celery.Signature`. Example: >>> m = task_message_from_sig(app, add.s(2, 2)) >>> amqp_client.basic_publish(m, exchange='ex', routing_key='rkey') """ sig.freeze() callbacks = sig.options.pop('link', None) errbacks = sig.options.pop('link_error', None) countdown = sig.options.pop('countdown', None) if countdown: eta = app.now() + timedelta(seconds=countdown) else: eta = sig.options.pop('eta', None) if eta and isinstance(eta, datetime): eta = eta.isoformat() expires = sig.options.pop('expires', None) if expires and isinstance(expires, numbers.Real): expires = app.now() + timedelta(seconds=expires) if expires and isinstance(expires, datetime): expires = expires.isoformat() return TaskMessage( sig.task, id=sig.id, args=sig.args, kwargs=sig.kwargs, callbacks=[dict(s) for s in callbacks] if callbacks else None, errbacks=[dict(s) for s in errbacks] if errbacks else None, eta=eta, expires=expires, utc=utc, **sig.options )
class _ContextMock(Mock): """Dummy class implementing __enter__ and __exit__. The :keyword:`with` statement requires these to be implemented in the class, not just the instance. """ def __enter__(self): return self def __exit__(self, *exc_info): pass
[документация]def ContextMock(*args, **kwargs): """Mock that mocks :keyword:`with` statement contexts.""" obj = _ContextMock(*args, **kwargs) obj.attach_mock(_ContextMock(), '__enter__') obj.attach_mock(_ContextMock(), '__exit__') obj.__enter__.return_value = obj # if __exit__ return a value the exception is ignored, # so it must return None here. obj.__exit__.return_value = None return obj
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