The Type Hierarchy

SQLAlchemy provides abstractions for most common database data types, as well as several techniques for customization of datatypes.

Database types are represented using Python classes, all of which ultimately extend from the base type class known as TypeEngine. There are two general categories of datatypes, each of which express themselves within the typing hierarchy in different ways. The category used by an individual datatype class can be identified based on the use of two different naming conventions, which are “CamelCase” and “UPPERCASE”.

See also

Setting up MetaData with Table objects - in the SQLAlchemy 1.4 / 2.0 Tutorial. Illustrates the most rudimental use of TypeEngine type objects to define Table metadata and introduces the concept of type objects in tutorial form.

The “CamelCase” datatypes

The rudimental types have “CamelCase” names such as String, Numeric, Integer, and DateTime. All of the immediate subclasses of TypeEngine are “CamelCase” types. The “CamelCase” types are to the greatest degree possible database agnostic, meaning they can all be used on any database backend where they will behave in such a way as appropriate to that backend in order to produce the desired behavior.

An example of a straightforward “CamelCase” datatype is String. On most backends, using this datatype in a table specification will correspond to the VARCHAR database type being used on the target backend, delivering string values to and from the database, as in the example below:

from sqlalchemy import MetaData
from sqlalchemy import Table, Column, Integer, String

metadata_obj = MetaData()

user = Table(
    Column("user_name", String, primary_key=True),
    Column("email_address", String(60)),

When using a particular TypeEngine class in a Table definition or in any SQL expression overall, if no arguments are required it may be passed as the class itself, that is, without instantiating it with (). If arguments are needed, such as the length argument of 60 in the "email_address" column above, the type may be instantiated.

Another “CamelCase” datatype that expresses more backend-specific behavior is the Boolean datatype. Unlike String, which represents a string datatype that all databases have, not every backend has a real “boolean” datatype; some make use of integers or BIT values 0 and 1, some have boolean literal constants true and false while others dont. For this datatype, Boolean may render BOOLEAN on a backend such as PostgreSQL, BIT on the MySQL backend and SMALLINT on Oracle. As data is sent and received from the database using this type, based on the dialect in use it may be interpreting Python numeric or boolean values.

The typical SQLAlchemy application will likely wish to use primarily “CamelCase” types in the general case, as they will generally provide the best basic behavior and be automatically portable to all backends.

Reference for the general set of “CamelCase” datatypes is below at Generic “CamelCase” Types.

The “UPPERCASE” datatypes

In contrast to the “CamelCase” types are the “UPPERCASE” datatypes. These datatypes are always inherited from a particular “CamelCase” datatype, and always represent an exact datatype. When using an “UPPERCASE” datatype, the name of the type is always rendered exactly as given, without regard for whether or not the current backend supports it. Therefore the use of “UPPERCASE” types in a SQLAlchemy application indicates that specific datatypes are required, which then implies that the application would normally, without additional steps taken, be limited to those backends which use the type exactly as given. Examples of UPPERCASE types include VARCHAR, NUMERIC, INTEGER, and TIMESTAMP, which inherit directly from the previously mentioned “CamelCase” types String, Numeric, Integer, and DateTime, respectively.

The “UPPERCASE” datatypes that are part of sqlalchemy.types are common SQL types that typically expect to be available on at least two backends if not more.

Reference for the general set of “UPPERCASE” datatypes is below at SQL Standard and Multiple Vendor “UPPERCASE” Types.

Backend-specific “UPPERCASE” datatypes

Most databases also have their own datatypes that are either fully specific to those databases, or add additional arguments that are specific to those databases. For these datatypes, specific SQLAlchemy dialects provide backend-specific “UPPERCASE” datatypes, for a SQL type that has no analogue on other backends. Examples of backend-specific uppercase datatypes include PostgreSQL’s JSONB, SQL Server’s IMAGE and MySQL’s TINYTEXT.

Specific backends may also include “UPPERCASE” datatypes that extend the arguments available from that same “UPPERCASE” datatype as found in the sqlalchemy.types module. An example is when creating a MySQL string datatype, one might want to specify MySQL-specific arguments such as charset or national, which are available from the MySQL version of VARCHAR as the MySQL-only parameters VARCHAR.charset and VARCHAR.national.

API documentation for backend-specific types are in the dialect-specific documentation, listed at Dialects.

Using “UPPERCASE” and Backend-specific types for multiple backends

Reviewing the presence of “UPPERCASE” and “CamelCase” types leads to the natural use case of how to make use of “UPPERCASE” datatypes for backend-specific options, but only when that backend is in use. To tie together the database-agnostic “CamelCase” and backend-specific “UPPERCASE” systems, one makes use of the TypeEngine.with_variant() method in order to compose types together to work with specific behaviors on specific backends.

Such as, to use the String datatype, but when running on MySQL to make use of the VARCHAR.charset parameter of VARCHAR when the table is created on MySQL, TypeEngine.with_variant() may be used as below:

from sqlalchemy import MetaData
from sqlalchemy import Table, Column, Integer, String
from sqlalchemy.dialects.mysql import VARCHAR

metadata_obj = MetaData()

user = Table(
    Column("user_name", String(100), primary_key=True),
        String(255).with_variant(VARCHAR(255, charset="utf8"), "mysql"),

In the above table definition, the "bio" column will have string-behaviors on all backends. On most backends it will render in DDL as VARCHAR. However on MySQL (indicated by database URLs that start with mysql), it will render as VARCHAR(255) CHARACTER SET utf8.

See also

TypeEngine.with_variant() - additional usage examples and notes

Generic “CamelCase” Types

Generic types specify a column that can read, write and store a particular type of Python data. SQLAlchemy will choose the best database column type available on the target database when issuing a CREATE TABLE statement. For complete control over which column type is emitted in CREATE TABLE, such as VARCHAR see SQL Standard and Multiple Vendor “UPPERCASE” Types and the other sections of this chapter.

SQL Standard and Multiple Vendor “UPPERCASE” Types

This category of types refers to types that are either part of the SQL standard, or are potentially found within a subset of database backends. Unlike the “generic” types, the SQL standard/multi-vendor types have no guarantee of working on all backends, and will only work on those backends that explicitly support them by name. That is, the type will always emit its exact name in DDL with CREATE TABLE is issued.

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