Built-in API documentation

The built-in API documentation includes:

  • Documentation of API endpoints.

  • Automatically generated code samples for each of the available API client libraries.

  • Support for API interaction.


The coreapi library is required as a dependency for the API docs. Make sure to install the latest version. The Pygments and Markdown libraries are optional but recommended.

To install the API documentation, you’ll need to include it in your project’s URLconf:

from rest_framework.documentation import include_docs_urls

urlpatterns = [
    path('docs/', include_docs_urls(title='My API title'))

This will include two different views:

  • /docs/ - The documentation page itself.

  • /docs/schema.js - A JavaScript resource that exposes the API schema.

Note: By default include_docs_urls configures the underlying SchemaView to generate public schemas. This means that views will not be instantiated with a request instance. i.e. Inside the view self.request will be None.

To be compatible with this behaviour, methods (such as get_serializer or get_serializer_class etc.) which inspect self.request or, particularly, self.request.user may need to be adjusted to handle this case.

You may ensure views are given a request instance by calling include_docs_urls with public=False:

from rest_framework.documentation import include_docs_urls

urlpatterns = [
    # Generate schema with valid `request` instance:
    path('docs/', include_docs_urls(title='My API title', public=False))

Documenting your views

You can document your views by including docstrings that describe each of the available actions. For example:

class UserList(generics.ListAPIView):
    Return a list of all the existing users.

If a view supports multiple methods, you should split your documentation using method: style delimiters.

class UserList(generics.ListCreateAPIView):
    Return a list of all the existing users.

    Create a new user instance.

When using viewsets, you should use the relevant action names as delimiters.

class UserViewSet(viewsets.ModelViewSet):
    Return the given user.

    Return a list of all the existing users.

    Create a new user instance.

Custom actions on viewsets can also be documented in a similar way using the method names as delimiters or by attaching the documentation to action mapping methods.

class UserViewSet(viewsets.ModelViewset):

    @action(detail=False, methods=['get', 'post'])
    def some_action(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
        A description of the get method on the custom action.

        A description of the post method on the custom action.

    def put_some_action():
        A description of the put method on the custom action.

documentation API Reference

The rest_framework.documentation module provides three helper functions to help configure the interactive API documentation, include_docs_urls (usage shown above), get_docs_view and get_schemajs_view.

include_docs_urls employs get_docs_view and get_schemajs_view to generate the url patterns for the documentation page and JavaScript resource that exposes the API schema respectively. They expose the following options for customisation. (get_docs_view and get_schemajs_view ultimately call rest_frameworks.schemas.get_schema_view(), see the Schemas docs for more options there.)


  • title: Default None. May be used to provide a descriptive title for the schema definition.

  • description: Default None. May be used to provide a description for the schema definition.

  • schema_url: Default None. May be used to pass a canonical base URL for the schema.

  • public: Default True. Should the schema be considered public? If True schema is generated without a request instance being passed to views.

  • patterns: Default None. A list of URLs to inspect when generating the schema. If None project’s URL conf will be used.

  • generator_class: Default rest_framework.schemas.SchemaGenerator. May be used to specify a SchemaGenerator subclass to be passed to the SchemaView.

  • authentication_classes: Default api_settings.DEFAULT_AUTHENTICATION_CLASSES. May be used to pass custom authentication classes to the SchemaView.

  • permission_classes: Default api_settings.DEFAULT_PERMISSION_CLASSES May be used to pass custom permission classes to the SchemaView.

  • renderer_classes: Default None. May be used to pass custom renderer classes to the SchemaView.


  • title: Default None. May be used to provide a descriptive title for the schema definition.

  • description: Default None. May be used to provide a description for the schema definition.

  • schema_url: Default None. May be used to pass a canonical base URL for the schema.

  • public: Default True. If True schema is generated without a request instance being passed to views.

  • patterns: Default None. A list of URLs to inspect when generating the schema. If None project’s URL conf will be used.

  • generator_class: Default rest_framework.schemas.SchemaGenerator. May be used to specify a SchemaGenerator subclass to be passed to the SchemaView.

  • authentication_classes: Default api_settings.DEFAULT_AUTHENTICATION_CLASSES. May be used to pass custom authentication classes to the SchemaView.

  • permission_classes: Default api_settings.DEFAULT_PERMISSION_CLASSES. May be used to pass custom permission classes to the SchemaView.

  • renderer_classes: Default None. May be used to pass custom renderer classes to the SchemaView. If None the SchemaView will be configured with DocumentationRenderer and CoreJSONRenderer renderers, corresponding to the (default) html and corejson formats.


  • title: Default None. May be used to provide a descriptive title for the schema definition.

  • description: Default None. May be used to provide a description for the schema definition.

  • schema_url: Default None. May be used to pass a canonical base URL for the schema.

  • public: Default True. If True schema is generated without a request instance being passed to views.

  • patterns: Default None. A list of URLs to inspect when generating the schema. If None project’s URL conf will be used.

  • generator_class: Default rest_framework.schemas.SchemaGenerator. May be used to specify a SchemaGenerator subclass to be passed to the SchemaView.

  • authentication_classes: Default api_settings.DEFAULT_AUTHENTICATION_CLASSES. May be used to pass custom authentication classes to the SchemaView.

  • permission_classes: Default api_settings.DEFAULT_PERMISSION_CLASSES May be used to pass custom permission classes to the SchemaView.

Customising code samples

The built-in API documentation includes automatically generated code samples for each of the available API client libraries.

You may customise these samples by subclassing DocumentationRenderer, setting languages to the list of languages you wish to support:

from rest_framework.renderers import DocumentationRenderer

class CustomRenderer(DocumentationRenderer):
    languages = ['ruby', 'go']

For each language you need to provide an intro template, detailing installation instructions and such, plus a generic template for making API requests, that can be filled with individual request details. See the templates for the bundled languages for examples.

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