
Utilities related to importing modules and symbols by name.

exception celery.utils.imports.NotAPackage[исходный код]

Raised when importing a package, but it’s not a package.

celery.utils.imports.cwd_in_path()[исходный код]

Context adding the current working directory to sys.path.

celery.utils.imports.find_module(module, path=None, imp=None)[исходный код]

Version of imp.find_module() supporting dots.

celery.utils.imports.gen_task_name(app, name, module_name)[исходный код]

Generate task name from name/module pair.

celery.utils.imports.import_from_cwd(module, imp=None, package=None)[исходный код]

Import module, temporarily including modules in the current directory.

Modules located in the current directory has precedence over modules located in sys.path.

celery.utils.imports.instantiate(name, *args, **kwargs)[исходный код]

Instantiate class by name.



celery.utils.imports.module_file(module)[исходный код]

Return the correct original file name of a module.

celery.utils.imports.qualname(obj)[исходный код]

Return object name.

celery.utils.imports.reload_from_cwd(module, reloader=None)[исходный код]

Reload module (ensuring that CWD is in sys.path).

celery.utils.imports.symbol_by_name(name, aliases=None, imp=None, package=None, sep='.', default=None, **kwargs)[исходный код]

Get symbol by qualified name.

The name should be the full dot-separated path to the class:



                            ^- class name

or using „:“ to separate module and symbol:


If aliases is provided, a dict containing short name/long name mappings, the name is looked up in the aliases first.


>>> symbol_by_name('celery.concurrency.processes.TaskPool')
<class 'celery.concurrency.processes.TaskPool'>
>>> symbol_by_name('default', {
...     'default': 'celery.concurrency.processes.TaskPool'})
<class 'celery.concurrency.processes.TaskPool'>

# Does not try to look up non-string names. >>> from celery.concurrency.processes import TaskPool >>> symbol_by_name(TaskPool) is TaskPool True

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