
ArangoDb result store backend.

class celery.backends.arangodb.ArangoDbBackend(url=None, *args, **kwargs)[исходный код]

ArangoDb backend.

Sample url «arangodb://username:password@host:port/database/collection» arangodb_backend_settings is where the settings are present (in the app.conf) Settings should contain the host, port, username, password, database name, collection name else the default will be chosen. Default database name and collection name is celery.


celery.exceptions.ImproperlyConfigured: – if module pyArango is not available.

cleanup()[исходный код]

Delete expired meta-data.

collection = 'celery'
property connection

Connect to the arangodb server.

database = 'celery'
property db

Database Object to the given database.

delete(key)[исходный код]
property expires_delta
get(key)[исходный код]
host = ''
http_protocol = 'http'

alias of str

mget(keys)[исходный код]
password = None
port = '8529'
set(key, value)[исходный код]

Insert a doc with value into task attribute and _key as key.

username = None
verify = False
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