Исходный код kombu.utils.functional

"""Functional Utilities."""

from __future__ import annotations

import inspect
import random
import threading
from collections import OrderedDict, UserDict
from collections.abc import Iterable, Mapping
from itertools import count, repeat
from time import sleep, time

from vine.utils import wraps

from .encoding import safe_repr as _safe_repr

__all__ = (
    'LRUCache', 'memoize', 'lazy', 'maybe_evaluate',
    'is_list', 'maybe_list', 'dictfilter', 'retry_over_time',

KEYWORD_MARK = object()

class ChannelPromise:

    def __init__(self, contract):
        self.__contract__ = contract

    def __call__(self):
            return self.__value__
        except AttributeError:
            value = self.__value__ = self.__contract__()
            return value

    def __repr__(self):
            return repr(self.__value__)
        except AttributeError:
            return f'<promise: 0x{id(self.__contract__):x}>'

[документация]class LRUCache(UserDict): """LRU Cache implementation using a doubly linked list to track access. Arguments: --------- limit (int): The maximum number of keys to keep in the cache. When a new key is inserted and the limit has been exceeded, the *Least Recently Used* key will be discarded from the cache. """ def __init__(self, limit=None): self.limit = limit self.mutex = threading.RLock() self.data = OrderedDict() def __getitem__(self, key): with self.mutex: value = self[key] = self.data.pop(key) return value
[документация] def update(self, *args, **kwargs): with self.mutex: data, limit = self.data, self.limit data.update(*args, **kwargs) if limit and len(data) > limit: # pop additional items in case limit exceeded for _ in range(len(data) - limit): data.popitem(last=False)
[документация] def popitem(self, last=True): with self.mutex: return self.data.popitem(last)
def __setitem__(self, key, value): # remove least recently used key. with self.mutex: if self.limit and len(self.data) >= self.limit: self.data.pop(next(iter(self.data))) self.data[key] = value def __iter__(self): return iter(self.data) def _iterate_items(self): with self.mutex: for k in self: try: yield (k, self.data[k]) except KeyError: # pragma: no cover pass iteritems = _iterate_items def _iterate_values(self): with self.mutex: for k in self: try: yield self.data[k] except KeyError: # pragma: no cover pass itervalues = _iterate_values def _iterate_keys(self): # userdict.keys in py3k calls __getitem__ with self.mutex: return self.data.keys() iterkeys = _iterate_keys
[документация] def incr(self, key, delta=1): with self.mutex: # this acts as memcached does- store as a string, but return a # integer as long as it exists and we can cast it newval = int(self.data.pop(key)) + delta self[key] = str(newval) return newval
def __getstate__(self): d = dict(vars(self)) d.pop('mutex') return d def __setstate__(self, state): self.__dict__ = state self.mutex = threading.RLock() keys = _iterate_keys values = _iterate_values items = _iterate_items
[документация]def memoize(maxsize=None, keyfun=None, Cache=LRUCache): """Decorator to cache function return value.""" def _memoize(fun): mutex = threading.Lock() cache = Cache(limit=maxsize) @wraps(fun) def _M(*args, **kwargs): if keyfun: key = keyfun(args, kwargs) else: key = args + (KEYWORD_MARK,) + tuple(sorted(kwargs.items())) try: with mutex: value = cache[key] except KeyError: value = fun(*args, **kwargs) _M.misses += 1 with mutex: cache[key] = value else: _M.hits += 1 return value def clear(): """Clear the cache and reset cache statistics.""" cache.clear() _M.hits = _M.misses = 0 _M.hits = _M.misses = 0 _M.clear = clear _M.original_func = fun return _M return _memoize
[документация]class lazy: """Holds lazy evaluation. Evaluated when called or if the :meth:`evaluate` method is called. The function is re-evaluated on every call. Overloaded operations that will evaluate the promise: :meth:`__str__`, :meth:`__repr__`, :meth:`__cmp__`. """ def __init__(self, fun, *args, **kwargs): self._fun = fun self._args = args self._kwargs = kwargs def __call__(self): return self.evaluate()
[документация] def evaluate(self): return self._fun(*self._args, **self._kwargs)
def __str__(self): return str(self()) def __repr__(self): return repr(self()) def __eq__(self, rhs): return self() == rhs def __ne__(self, rhs): return self() != rhs def __deepcopy__(self, memo): memo[id(self)] = self return self def __reduce__(self): return (self.__class__, (self._fun,), {'_args': self._args, '_kwargs': self._kwargs})
[документация]def maybe_evaluate(value): """Evaluate value only if value is a :class:`lazy` instance.""" if isinstance(value, lazy): return value.evaluate() return value
[документация]def is_list(obj, scalars=(Mapping, str), iters=(Iterable,)): """Return true if the object is iterable. Note: ---- Returns false if object is a mapping or string. """ return isinstance(obj, iters) and not isinstance(obj, scalars or ())
[документация]def maybe_list(obj, scalars=(Mapping, str)): """Return list of one element if ``l`` is a scalar.""" return obj if obj is None or is_list(obj, scalars) else [obj]
[документация]def dictfilter(d=None, **kw): """Remove all keys from dict ``d`` whose value is :const:`None`.""" d = kw if d is None else (dict(d, **kw) if kw else d) return {k: v for k, v in d.items() if v is not None}
def shufflecycle(it): it = list(it) # don't modify callers list shuffle = random.shuffle for _ in repeat(None): shuffle(it) yield it[0] def fxrange(start=1.0, stop=None, step=1.0, repeatlast=False): cur = start * 1.0 while 1: if not stop or cur <= stop: yield cur cur += step else: if not repeatlast: break yield cur - step def fxrangemax(start=1.0, stop=None, step=1.0, max=100.0): sum_, cur = 0, start * 1.0 while 1: if sum_ >= max: break yield cur if stop: cur = min(cur + step, stop) else: cur += step sum_ += cur def retry_over_time(fun, catch, args=None, kwargs=None, errback=None, max_retries=None, interval_start=2, interval_step=2, interval_max=30, callback=None, timeout=None): """Retry the function over and over until max retries is exceeded. For each retry we sleep a for a while before we try again, this interval is increased for every retry until the max seconds is reached. Arguments: --------- fun (Callable): The function to try catch (Tuple[BaseException]): Exceptions to catch, can be either tuple or a single exception class. Keyword Arguments: ----------------- args (Tuple): Positional arguments passed on to the function. kwargs (Dict): Keyword arguments passed on to the function. errback (Callable): Callback for when an exception in ``catch`` is raised. The callback must take three arguments: ``exc``, ``interval_range`` and ``retries``, where ``exc`` is the exception instance, ``interval_range`` is an iterator which return the time in seconds to sleep next, and ``retries`` is the number of previous retries. max_retries (int): Maximum number of retries before we give up. If neither of this and timeout is set, we will retry forever. If one of this and timeout is reached, stop. interval_start (float): How long (in seconds) we start sleeping between retries. interval_step (float): By how much the interval is increased for each retry. interval_max (float): Maximum number of seconds to sleep between retries. timeout (int): Maximum seconds waiting before we give up. """ kwargs = {} if not kwargs else kwargs args = [] if not args else args interval_range = fxrange(interval_start, interval_max + interval_start, interval_step, repeatlast=True) end = time() + timeout if timeout else None for retries in count(): try: return fun(*args, **kwargs) except catch as exc: if max_retries is not None and retries >= max_retries: raise if end and time() > end: raise if callback: callback() tts = float(errback(exc, interval_range, retries) if errback else next(interval_range)) if tts: for _ in range(int(tts)): if callback: callback() sleep(1.0) # sleep remainder after int truncation above. sleep(abs(int(tts) - tts)) def reprkwargs(kwargs, sep=', ', fmt='{0}={1}'): return sep.join(fmt.format(k, _safe_repr(v)) for k, v in kwargs.items()) def reprcall(name, args=(), kwargs=None, sep=', '): kwargs = {} if not kwargs else kwargs return '{}({}{}{})'.format( name, sep.join(map(_safe_repr, args or ())), (args and kwargs) and sep or '', reprkwargs(kwargs, sep), ) def accepts_argument(func, argument_name): argument_spec = inspect.getfullargspec(func) return ( argument_name in argument_spec.args or argument_name in argument_spec.kwonlyargs ) # Compat names (before kombu 3.0) promise = lazy maybe_promise = maybe_evaluate
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