"""Message migration tools (Broker <-> Broker)."""
import socket
from functools import partial
from itertools import cycle, islice
from kombu import Queue, eventloop
from kombu.common import maybe_declare
from kombu.utils.encoding import ensure_bytes
from celery.app import app_or_default
from celery.utils.nodenames import worker_direct
from celery.utils.text import str_to_list
__all__ = (
'StopFiltering', 'State', 'republish', 'migrate_task',
'migrate_tasks', 'move', 'task_id_eq', 'task_id_in',
'start_filter', 'move_task_by_id', 'move_by_idmap',
'move_by_taskmap', 'move_direct', 'move_direct_by_id',
Moving task {state.filtered}/{state.strtotal}: \
[docs]class StopFiltering(Exception):
"""Semi-predicate used to signal filter stop."""
[docs]class State:
"""Migration progress state."""
count = 0
filtered = 0
total_apx = 0
def strtotal(self):
if not self.total_apx:
return '?'
return str(self.total_apx)
def __repr__(self):
if self.filtered:
return f'^{self.filtered}'
return f'{self.count}/{self.strtotal}'
[docs]def republish(producer, message, exchange=None, routing_key=None,
"""Republish message."""
if not remove_props:
remove_props = ['application_headers', 'content_type',
'content_encoding', 'headers']
body = ensure_bytes(message.body) # use raw message body.
info, headers, props = (message.delivery_info,
message.headers, message.properties)
exchange = info['exchange'] if exchange is None else exchange
routing_key = info['routing_key'] if routing_key is None else routing_key
ctype, enc = message.content_type, message.content_encoding
# remove compression header, as this will be inserted again
# when the message is recompressed.
compression = headers.pop('compression', None)
for key in remove_props:
props.pop(key, None)
producer.publish(ensure_bytes(body), exchange=exchange,
routing_key=routing_key, compression=compression,
headers=headers, content_type=ctype,
content_encoding=enc, **props)
[docs]def migrate_task(producer, body_, message, queues=None):
"""Migrate single task message."""
info = message.delivery_info
queues = {} if queues is None else queues
republish(producer, message,
def filter_callback(callback, tasks):
def filtered(body, message):
if tasks and body['task'] not in tasks:
return callback(body, message)
return filtered
[docs]def migrate_tasks(source, dest, migrate=migrate_task, app=None,
queues=None, **kwargs):
"""Migrate tasks from one broker to another."""
app = app_or_default(app)
queues = prepare_queues(queues)
producer = app.amqp.Producer(dest, auto_declare=False)
migrate = partial(migrate, producer, queues=queues)
def on_declare_queue(queue):
new_queue = queue(producer.channel)
new_queue.name = queues.get(queue.name, queue.name)
if new_queue.routing_key == queue.name:
new_queue.routing_key = queues.get(queue.name,
if new_queue.exchange.name == queue.name:
new_queue.exchange.name = queues.get(queue.name, queue.name)
return start_filter(app, source, migrate, queues=queues,
on_declare_queue=on_declare_queue, **kwargs)
def _maybe_queue(app, q):
if isinstance(q, str):
return app.amqp.queues[q]
return q
[docs]def move(predicate, connection=None, exchange=None, routing_key=None,
source=None, app=None, callback=None, limit=None, transform=None,
"""Find tasks by filtering them and move the tasks to a new queue.
predicate (Callable): Filter function used to decide the messages
to move. Must accept the standard signature of ``(body, message)``
used by Kombu consumer callbacks. If the predicate wants the
message to be moved it must return either:
1) a tuple of ``(exchange, routing_key)``, or
2) a :class:`~kombu.entity.Queue` instance, or
3) any other true value means the specified
``exchange`` and ``routing_key`` arguments will be used.
connection (kombu.Connection): Custom connection to use.
source: List[Union[str, kombu.Queue]]: Optional list of source
queues to use instead of the default (queues
in :setting:`task_queues`). This list can also contain
:class:`~kombu.entity.Queue` instances.
exchange (str, kombu.Exchange): Default destination exchange.
routing_key (str): Default destination routing key.
limit (int): Limit number of messages to filter.
callback (Callable): Callback called after message moved,
with signature ``(state, body, message)``.
transform (Callable): Optional function to transform the return
value (destination) of the filter function.
Also supports the same keyword arguments as :func:`start_filter`.
To demonstrate, the :func:`move_task_by_id` operation can be implemented
like this:
.. code-block:: python
def is_wanted_task(body, message):
if body['id'] == wanted_id:
return Queue('foo', exchange=Exchange('foo'),
or with a transform:
.. code-block:: python
def transform(value):
if isinstance(value, str):
return Queue(value, Exchange(value), value)
return value
move(is_wanted_task, transform=transform)
The predicate may also return a tuple of ``(exchange, routing_key)``
to specify the destination to where the task should be moved,
or a :class:`~kombu.entity.Queue` instance.
Any other true value means that the task will be moved to the
default exchange/routing_key.
app = app_or_default(app)
queues = [_maybe_queue(app, queue) for queue in source or []] or None
with app.connection_or_acquire(connection, pool=False) as conn:
producer = app.amqp.Producer(conn)
state = State()
def on_task(body, message):
ret = predicate(body, message)
if ret:
if transform:
ret = transform(ret)
if isinstance(ret, Queue):
maybe_declare(ret, conn.default_channel)
ex, rk = ret.exchange.name, ret.routing_key
ex, rk = expand_dest(ret, exchange, routing_key)
republish(producer, message,
exchange=ex, routing_key=rk)
state.filtered += 1
if callback:
callback(state, body, message)
if limit and state.filtered >= limit:
raise StopFiltering()
return start_filter(app, conn, on_task, consume_from=queues, **kwargs)
def expand_dest(ret, exchange, routing_key):
ex, rk = ret
except (TypeError, ValueError):
ex, rk = exchange, routing_key
return ex, rk
[docs]def task_id_eq(task_id, body, message):
"""Return true if task id equals task_id'."""
return body['id'] == task_id
[docs]def task_id_in(ids, body, message):
"""Return true if task id is member of set ids'."""
return body['id'] in ids
def prepare_queues(queues):
if isinstance(queues, str):
queues = queues.split(',')
if isinstance(queues, list):
queues = dict(tuple(islice(cycle(q.split(':')), None, 2))
for q in queues)
if queues is None:
queues = {}
return queues
class Filterer:
def __init__(self, app, conn, filter,
limit=None, timeout=1.0,
ack_messages=False, tasks=None, queues=None,
callback=None, forever=False, on_declare_queue=None,
consume_from=None, state=None, accept=None, **kwargs):
self.app = app
self.conn = conn
self.filter = filter
self.limit = limit
self.timeout = timeout
self.ack_messages = ack_messages
self.tasks = set(str_to_list(tasks) or [])
self.queues = prepare_queues(queues)
self.callback = callback
self.forever = forever
self.on_declare_queue = on_declare_queue
self.consume_from = [
_maybe_queue(self.app, q)
for q in consume_from or list(self.queues)
self.state = state or State()
self.accept = accept
def start(self):
# start migrating messages.
with self.prepare_consumer(self.create_consumer()):
for _ in eventloop(self.conn, # pragma: no cover
except socket.timeout:
except StopFiltering:
return self.state
def update_state(self, body, message):
self.state.count += 1
if self.limit and self.state.count >= self.limit:
raise StopFiltering()
def ack_message(self, body, message):
def create_consumer(self):
return self.app.amqp.TaskConsumer(
def prepare_consumer(self, consumer):
filter = self.filter
update_state = self.update_state
ack_message = self.ack_message
if self.tasks:
filter = filter_callback(filter, self.tasks)
update_state = filter_callback(update_state, self.tasks)
ack_message = filter_callback(ack_message, self.tasks)
if self.ack_messages:
if self.callback is not None:
callback = partial(self.callback, self.state)
if self.tasks:
callback = filter_callback(callback, self.tasks)
return consumer
def declare_queues(self, consumer):
# declare all queues on the new broker.
for queue in consumer.queues:
if self.queues and queue.name not in self.queues:
if self.on_declare_queue is not None:
_, mcount, _ = queue(
if mcount:
self.state.total_apx += mcount
except self.conn.channel_errors:
[docs]def start_filter(app, conn, filter, limit=None, timeout=1.0,
ack_messages=False, tasks=None, queues=None,
callback=None, forever=False, on_declare_queue=None,
consume_from=None, state=None, accept=None, **kwargs):
"""Filter tasks."""
return Filterer(
app, conn, filter,
[docs]def move_task_by_id(task_id, dest, **kwargs):
"""Find a task by id and move it to another queue.
task_id (str): Id of task to find and move.
dest: (str, kombu.Queue): Destination queue.
transform (Callable): Optional function to transform the return
value (destination) of the filter function.
**kwargs (Any): Also supports the same keyword
arguments as :func:`move`.
return move_by_idmap({task_id: dest}, **kwargs)
[docs]def move_by_idmap(map, **kwargs):
"""Move tasks by matching from a ``task_id: queue`` mapping.
Where ``queue`` is a queue to move the task to.
>>> move_by_idmap({
... '5bee6e82-f4ac-468e-bd3d-13e8600250bc': Queue('name'),
... 'ada8652d-aef3-466b-abd2-becdaf1b82b3': Queue('name'),
... '3a2b140d-7db1-41ba-ac90-c36a0ef4ab1f': Queue('name')},
... queues=['hipri'])
def task_id_in_map(body, message):
return map.get(message.properties['correlation_id'])
# adding the limit means that we don't have to consume any more
# when we've found everything.
return move(task_id_in_map, limit=len(map), **kwargs)
[docs]def move_by_taskmap(map, **kwargs):
"""Move tasks by matching from a ``task_name: queue`` mapping.
``queue`` is the queue to move the task to.
>>> move_by_taskmap({
... 'tasks.add': Queue('name'),
... 'tasks.mul': Queue('name'),
... })
def task_name_in_map(body, message):
return map.get(body['task']) # <- name of task
return move(task_name_in_map, **kwargs)
def filter_status(state, body, message, **kwargs):
print(MOVING_PROGRESS_FMT.format(state=state, body=body, **kwargs))
move_direct = partial(move, transform=worker_direct)
move_direct_by_id = partial(move_task_by_id, transform=worker_direct)
move_direct_by_idmap = partial(move_by_idmap, transform=worker_direct)
move_direct_by_taskmap = partial(move_by_taskmap, transform=worker_direct)