Source code for celery.concurrency.prefork

"""Prefork execution pool.

Pool implementation using :mod:`multiprocessing`.
import os

from billiard import forking_enable
from billiard.common import REMAP_SIGTERM, TERM_SIGNAME
from billiard.pool import CLOSE, RUN
from billiard.pool import Pool as BlockingPool

from celery import platforms, signals
from celery._state import _set_task_join_will_block, set_default_app
from import trace
from celery.concurrency.base import BasePool
from celery.utils.functional import noop
from celery.utils.log import get_logger

from .asynpool import AsynPool

__all__ = ('TaskPool', 'process_initializer', 'process_destructor')

#: List of signals to reset when a child process starts.

#: List of signals to ignore when a child process starts.

logger = get_logger(__name__)
warning, debug = logger.warning, logger.debug

[docs]def process_initializer(app, hostname): """Pool child process initializer. Initialize the child pool process to ensure the correct app instance is used and things like logging works. """ _set_task_join_will_block(True) platforms.signals.reset(*WORKER_SIGRESET) platforms.signals.ignore(*WORKER_SIGIGNORE) platforms.set_mp_process_title('celeryd', hostname=hostname) # This is for Windows and other platforms not supporting # fork(). Note that init_worker makes sure it's only # run once per process. app.loader.init_worker() app.loader.init_worker_process() logfile = os.environ.get('CELERY_LOG_FILE') or None if logfile and '%i' in logfile.lower(): # logfile path will differ so need to set up logging again. app.log.already_setup = False app.log.setup(int(os.environ.get('CELERY_LOG_LEVEL', 0) or 0), logfile, bool(os.environ.get('CELERY_LOG_REDIRECT', False)), str(os.environ.get('CELERY_LOG_REDIRECT_LEVEL')), hostname=hostname) if os.environ.get('FORKED_BY_MULTIPROCESSING'): # pool did execv after fork trace.setup_worker_optimizations(app, hostname) else: app.set_current() set_default_app(app) app.finalize() trace._tasks = app._tasks # enables fast_trace_task optimization. # rebuild execution handler for all tasks. from import build_tracer for name, task in app.tasks.items(): task.__trace__ = build_tracer(name, task, app.loader, hostname, app=app) from celery.worker import state as worker_state worker_state.reset_state() signals.worker_process_init.send(sender=None)
[docs]def process_destructor(pid, exitcode): """Pool child process destructor. Dispatch the :signal:`worker_process_shutdown` signal. """ signals.worker_process_shutdown.send( sender=None, pid=pid, exitcode=exitcode, )
[docs]class TaskPool(BasePool): """Multiprocessing Pool implementation.""" Pool = AsynPool BlockingPool = BlockingPool uses_semaphore = True write_stats = None
[docs] def on_start(self): forking_enable(self.forking_enable) Pool = (self.BlockingPool if self.options.get('threads', True) else self.Pool) proc_alive_timeout = ( if else None ) P = self._pool = Pool(processes=self.limit, initializer=process_initializer, on_process_exit=process_destructor, enable_timeouts=True, synack=False, proc_alive_timeout=proc_alive_timeout, **self.options) # Create proxy methods self.on_apply = P.apply_async self.maintain_pool = P.maintain_pool self.terminate_job = P.terminate_job self.grow = P.grow self.shrink = P.shrink self.flush = getattr(P, 'flush', None) # FIXME add to billiard
[docs] def restart(self): self._pool.restart() self._pool.apply_async(noop)
[docs] def did_start_ok(self): return self._pool.did_start_ok()
[docs] def register_with_event_loop(self, loop): try: reg = self._pool.register_with_event_loop except AttributeError: return return reg(loop)
[docs] def on_stop(self): """Gracefully stop the pool.""" if self._pool is not None and self._pool._state in (RUN, CLOSE): self._pool.close() self._pool.join() self._pool = None
[docs] def on_terminate(self): """Force terminate the pool.""" if self._pool is not None: self._pool.terminate() self._pool = None
[docs] def on_close(self): if self._pool is not None and self._pool._state == RUN: self._pool.close()
def _get_info(self): write_stats = getattr(self._pool, 'human_write_stats', None) return { 'max-concurrency': self.limit, 'processes': [ for p in self._pool._pool], 'max-tasks-per-child': self._pool._maxtasksperchild or 'N/A', 'put-guarded-by-semaphore': self.putlocks, 'timeouts': (self._pool.soft_timeout or 0, self._pool.timeout or 0), 'writes': write_stats() if write_stats is not None else 'N/A', } @property def num_processes(self): return self._pool._processes
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