Source code for celery.backends.dynamodb

"""AWS DynamoDB result store backend."""
from collections import namedtuple
from time import sleep, time

from kombu.utils.url import _parse_url as parse_url

from celery.exceptions import ImproperlyConfigured
from celery.utils.log import get_logger

from .base import KeyValueStoreBackend

    import boto3
    from botocore.exceptions import ClientError
except ImportError:  # pragma: no cover
    boto3 = ClientError = None  # noqa

__all__ = ('DynamoDBBackend',)

# Helper class that describes a DynamoDB attribute
DynamoDBAttribute = namedtuple('DynamoDBAttribute', ('name', 'data_type'))

logger = get_logger(__name__)

[docs]class DynamoDBBackend(KeyValueStoreBackend): """AWS DynamoDB result backend. Raises: celery.exceptions.ImproperlyConfigured: if module :pypi:`boto3` is not available. """ #: default DynamoDB table name (`default`) table_name = 'celery' #: Read Provisioned Throughput (`default`) read_capacity_units = 1 #: Write Provisioned Throughput (`default`) write_capacity_units = 1 #: AWS region (`default`) aws_region = None #: The endpoint URL that is passed to boto3 (local DynamoDB) (`default`) endpoint_url = None #: Item time-to-live in seconds (`default`) time_to_live_seconds = None # DynamoDB supports Time to Live as an auto-expiry mechanism. supports_autoexpire = True _key_field = DynamoDBAttribute(name='id', data_type='S') _value_field = DynamoDBAttribute(name='result', data_type='B') _timestamp_field = DynamoDBAttribute(name='timestamp', data_type='N') _ttl_field = DynamoDBAttribute(name='ttl', data_type='N') _available_fields = None def __init__(self, url=None, table_name=None, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.url = url self.table_name = table_name or self.table_name if not boto3: raise ImproperlyConfigured( 'You need to install the boto3 library to use the ' 'DynamoDB backend.') aws_credentials_given = False aws_access_key_id = None aws_secret_access_key = None if url is not None: scheme, region, port, username, password, table, query = \ parse_url(url) aws_access_key_id = username aws_secret_access_key = password access_key_given = aws_access_key_id is not None secret_key_given = aws_secret_access_key is not None if access_key_given != secret_key_given: raise ImproperlyConfigured( 'You need to specify both the Access Key ID ' 'and Secret.') aws_credentials_given = access_key_given if region == 'localhost': # We are using the downloadable, local version of DynamoDB self.endpoint_url = f'http://localhost:{port}' self.aws_region = 'us-east-1' logger.warning( 'Using local-only DynamoDB endpoint URL: {}'.format( self.endpoint_url ) ) else: self.aws_region = region # If endpoint_url is explicitly set use it instead _get = config_endpoint_url = _get('dynamodb_endpoint_url') if config_endpoint_url: self.endpoint_url = config_endpoint_url self.read_capacity_units = int( query.get( 'read', self.read_capacity_units ) ) self.write_capacity_units = int( query.get( 'write', self.write_capacity_units ) ) ttl = query.get('ttl_seconds', self.time_to_live_seconds) if ttl: try: self.time_to_live_seconds = int(ttl) except ValueError as e: logger.error( 'TTL must be a number; got "{ttl}"', exc_info=e ) raise e self.table_name = table or self.table_name self._available_fields = ( self._key_field, self._value_field, self._timestamp_field ) self._client = None if aws_credentials_given: self._get_client( access_key_id=aws_access_key_id, secret_access_key=aws_secret_access_key ) def _get_client(self, access_key_id=None, secret_access_key=None): """Get client connection.""" if self._client is None: client_parameters = { 'region_name': self.aws_region } if access_key_id is not None: client_parameters.update({ 'aws_access_key_id': access_key_id, 'aws_secret_access_key': secret_access_key }) if self.endpoint_url is not None: client_parameters['endpoint_url'] = self.endpoint_url self._client = boto3.client( 'dynamodb', **client_parameters ) self._get_or_create_table() if self._has_ttl() is not None: self._validate_ttl_methods() self._set_table_ttl() return self._client def _get_table_schema(self): """Get the boto3 structure describing the DynamoDB table schema.""" return { 'AttributeDefinitions': [ { 'AttributeName':, 'AttributeType': self._key_field.data_type } ], 'TableName': self.table_name, 'KeySchema': [ { 'AttributeName':, 'KeyType': 'HASH' } ], 'ProvisionedThroughput': { 'ReadCapacityUnits': self.read_capacity_units, 'WriteCapacityUnits': self.write_capacity_units } } def _get_or_create_table(self): """Create table if not exists, otherwise return the description.""" table_schema = self._get_table_schema() try: table_description = self._client.create_table(**table_schema) 'DynamoDB Table {} did not exist, creating.'.format( self.table_name ) ) # In case we created the table, wait until it becomes available. self._wait_for_table_status('ACTIVE') 'DynamoDB Table {} is now available.'.format( self.table_name ) ) return table_description except ClientError as e: error_code = e.response['Error'].get('Code', 'Unknown') # If table exists, do not fail, just return the description. if error_code == 'ResourceInUseException': return self._client.describe_table( TableName=self.table_name ) else: raise e def _has_ttl(self): """Return the desired Time to Live config. - True: Enable TTL on the table; use expiry. - False: Disable TTL on the table; don't use expiry. - None: Ignore TTL on the table; don't use expiry. """ return None if self.time_to_live_seconds is None \ else self.time_to_live_seconds >= 0 def _validate_ttl_methods(self): """Verify boto support for the DynamoDB Time to Live methods.""" # Required TTL methods. required_methods = ( 'update_time_to_live', 'describe_time_to_live', ) # Find missing methods. missing_methods = [] for method in list(required_methods): if not hasattr(self._client, method): missing_methods.append(method) if missing_methods: logger.error( ( 'boto3 method(s) {methods} not found; ensure that ' 'boto3>=1.9.178 and botocore>=1.12.178 are installed' ).format( methods=','.join(missing_methods) ) ) raise AttributeError( 'boto3 method(s) {methods} not found'.format( methods=','.join(missing_methods) ) ) def _get_ttl_specification(self, ttl_attr_name): """Get the boto3 structure describing the DynamoDB TTL specification.""" return { 'TableName': self.table_name, 'TimeToLiveSpecification': { 'Enabled': self._has_ttl(), 'AttributeName': ttl_attr_name } } def _get_table_ttl_description(self): # Get the current TTL description. try: description = self._client.describe_time_to_live( TableName=self.table_name ) except ClientError as e: error_code = e.response['Error'].get('Code', 'Unknown') error_message = e.response['Error'].get('Message', 'Unknown') logger.error(( 'Error describing Time to Live on DynamoDB table {table}: ' '{code}: {message}' ).format( table=self.table_name, code=error_code, message=error_message, )) raise e return description def _set_table_ttl(self): """Enable or disable Time to Live on the table.""" # Get the table TTL description, and return early when possible. description = self._get_table_ttl_description() status = description['TimeToLiveDescription']['TimeToLiveStatus'] if status in ('ENABLED', 'ENABLING'): cur_attr_name = \ description['TimeToLiveDescription']['AttributeName'] if self._has_ttl(): if cur_attr_name == # We want TTL enabled, and it is currently enabled or being # enabled, and on the correct attribute. logger.debug(( 'DynamoDB Time to Live is {situation} ' 'on table {table}' ).format( situation='already enabled' if status == 'ENABLED' else 'currently being enabled', table=self.table_name )) return description elif status in ('DISABLED', 'DISABLING'): if not self._has_ttl(): # We want TTL disabled, and it is currently disabled or being # disabled. logger.debug(( 'DynamoDB Time to Live is {situation} ' 'on table {table}' ).format( situation='already disabled' if status == 'DISABLED' else 'currently being disabled', table=self.table_name )) return description # The state shouldn't ever have any value beyond the four handled # above, but to ease troubleshooting of potential future changes, emit # a log showing the unknown state. else: # pragma: no cover logger.warning(( 'Unknown DynamoDB Time to Live status {status} ' 'on table {table}. Attempting to continue.' ).format( status=status, table=self.table_name )) # At this point, we have one of the following situations: # # We want TTL enabled, # # - and it's currently disabled: Try to enable. # # - and it's being disabled: Try to enable, but this is almost sure to # raise ValidationException with message: # # Time to live has been modified multiple times within a fixed # interval # # - and it's currently enabling or being enabled, but on the wrong # attribute: Try to enable, but this will raise ValidationException # with message: # # TimeToLive is active on a different AttributeName: current # AttributeName is ttlx # # We want TTL disabled, # # - and it's currently enabled: Try to disable. # # - and it's being enabled: Try to disable, but this is almost sure to # raise ValidationException with message: # # Time to live has been modified multiple times within a fixed # interval # attr_name = \ cur_attr_name if status == 'ENABLED' else try: specification = self._client.update_time_to_live( **self._get_ttl_specification( ttl_attr_name=attr_name ) ) ( 'DynamoDB table Time to Live updated: ' 'table={table} enabled={enabled} attribute={attr}' ).format( table=self.table_name, enabled=self._has_ttl(), ) ) return specification except ClientError as e: error_code = e.response['Error'].get('Code', 'Unknown') error_message = e.response['Error'].get('Message', 'Unknown') logger.error(( 'Error {action} Time to Live on DynamoDB table {table}: ' '{code}: {message}' ).format( action='enabling' if self._has_ttl() else 'disabling', table=self.table_name, code=error_code, message=error_message, )) raise e def _wait_for_table_status(self, expected='ACTIVE'): """Poll for the expected table status.""" achieved_state = False while not achieved_state: table_description = self.client.describe_table( TableName=self.table_name ) logger.debug( 'Waiting for DynamoDB table {} to become {}.'.format( self.table_name, expected ) ) current_status = table_description['Table']['TableStatus'] achieved_state = current_status == expected sleep(1) def _prepare_get_request(self, key): """Construct the item retrieval request parameters.""" return { 'TableName': self.table_name, 'Key': { { self._key_field.data_type: key } } } def _prepare_put_request(self, key, value): """Construct the item creation request parameters.""" timestamp = time() put_request = { 'TableName': self.table_name, 'Item': { { self._key_field.data_type: key }, { self._value_field.data_type: value }, { self._timestamp_field.data_type: str(timestamp) } } } if self._has_ttl(): put_request['Item'].update({ { self._ttl_field.data_type: str(int(timestamp + self.time_to_live_seconds)) } }) return put_request def _item_to_dict(self, raw_response): """Convert get_item() response to field-value pairs.""" if 'Item' not in raw_response: return {} return { raw_response['Item'][][field.data_type] for field in self._available_fields } @property def client(self): return self._get_client()
[docs] def get(self, key): key = str(key) request_parameters = self._prepare_get_request(key) item_response = self.client.get_item(**request_parameters) item = self._item_to_dict(item_response) return item.get(
[docs] def set(self, key, value): key = str(key) request_parameters = self._prepare_put_request(key, value) self.client.put_item(**request_parameters)
[docs] def mget(self, keys): return [self.get(key) for key in keys]
[docs] def delete(self, key): key = str(key) request_parameters = self._prepare_get_request(key) self.client.delete_item(**request_parameters)
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