Как получить OTP только в админпанели django?

Я работаю над REST API и делаю проверку KYC по карте aadhar. Вот мой код:


 def save_model(self, request, obj, form, change):
        customer_id = obj.customer_id
        customer_object = Customer.objects.get(id=customer_id)
        first_name = customer_object.first_name
        middle_name = customer_object.middle_name
        last_name = customer_object.last_name
        customer_name = first_name + " " + last_name
        date_of_birth = customer_object.date_of_birth
        aadhar_card = obj.aadhar_card

        # Send OTP request
        header = {
            "x-karza-key" : KARZA_TOKEN 
        payload = {
            "aadhaarNo": obj.aadhar_card,
            "consent": "Y"
        result = requests.post(url, data=json.dumps(payload), headers=header, verify=False)
        result_json = result.json()
        request_id = result_json.get('requestId', '')

        # Verify OTP request
        if request_id:
            otp = input("Enter OTP received on registered mobile number: ") # ask the user to input the OTP
            payload = {
                "aadhaarNo": obj.aadhar_card,
                "consent": "Y",
                "requestId": request_id,
                "otp": otp
            result = requests.post(url, data=json.dumps(payload), headers=header, verify=False)
            result_json = result.json()
            status = result_json.get('result', {}).get('message', '')

        # Save the results to the database
        if change:
            obj = aadhar_card.objects.get(pk=obj.pk)
            obj.aadhar_card = aadhar_card
            obj.aadhar_request_json = json.dumps(payload)
            obj.aadhar_response_json = json.dumps(result_json)
            obj.updated_by = request.user.id
            status_code = result_json.get('statusCode')
            if status_code == 101:
                obj.status = 101 # Verified
                obj.status = 3 # Not Verified
            obj.aadhar_card = aadhar_card
            obj.aadhar_request_json = json.dumps(payload)
            obj.aadhar_response_json = json.dumps(result_json)
            obj.added_by = request.user.id
            status_code = result_json.get('statusCode')
            if status_code == 101:
                obj.status = 101 # Verified
                obj.status = 3 # Not Verified
        super().save_model(request, obj, form, change)

Теперь проблема в том, что я должен ввести OTP в терминале. Как я могу принять otp от пользователя на панели DJANGO ADMIN PANEL, поскольку я не использую никаких представлений, я работал только с admin.py.

Любая помощь будет принята с благодарностью!

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